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"So...this is a lovely predicament," I shut the closet door behind me, taking a seat against the back wall. Adrien slowly slides in next to me, pushing coats out of the way. It's stiflingly warm inside the tiny room, something they always forget to mention in romance movies when the two characters go into the closet together. 

I mean, it's a wonder they don't suffocate and die. That would probably ruin the atmosphere of the movie. I'm getting off topic again—

Adrien smirked. "I think it's actually quite convenient," He leaned over, cupping my face with one hand and kissing me lightly. Butterflies swarmed my stomach and I fought the urge to nervously laugh. He gently slipped one arm into the curve of my waist, sliding it up the side of my shirt. 

"Don't be stupid," I pulled away before things could go any further. "We have to be quiet." 

"Who said I wasn't quiet?" Adrien asked innocently. 

I pursed my lips. "You aren't quiet." 

The minutes ticked by irritatingly slow, and I was getting more and more bored by the second. I couldn't hear anything from outside the thick walls, which might have meant they couldn't hear in—but I wasn't about to take any chances. 

"Damon's such a prick," Adrien said randomly, out of the blue. 

"Jealous much?" I raised my eyebrows. 

Adrien rolled his eyes, folding his arms. "No. I just think he's stupid to try and kiss you when I'm literally in the room." He sighed with annoyance. "It would be like if Marinette went to make out with Nino when Alya was right there." 

I wrinkled my nose. "That would never happen." I was completely missing the point but whatever. "Nino and Mari?" 

Adrien lightly squeezed my thigh. "Love, you're missing the point." He gave me a pointed glance. "But Damon definitely likes you. In a more than just a friend way." 

"Whoa," I said sarcastically. "I didn't know you knew what that meant." 

Adrien's eyebrows furrowed with confusion. "Huh?" He huffed. "Okay, I know I wasn't the best at determining platonic from non-platonic feelings but I know that you're more than just a friend to me." 

I pretended to be surprised. "It almost sounds like you love me." 

"You know I do," Adrien grinned lopsidedly. 

"Has it almost been 7 minutes?" I wondered aloud. 

"Getting bored of me already?" 

"No, it's just really hot in here," I pointed out, pushing my hair away from my face. 

"It's you," Adrien said. "You're too hot." 

"Well, thank you, Agreste, but I think it's just the general temperature of closets," I said with a tiny laugh. "Um, by the way—we're even now. Lila likes you, and Damon likes me." 

Then an idea came to me. 

"Wait, what if Lila and Damon got together?" 

Adrien thought about it for a couple of seconds. "That's not a bad idea actually," he mused. "They're perfect for each other. Manipulative and evil, and rude, and evil, and—" 

"I think you're harboring some pretty intense feelings for Damon," I said. "Care to elaborate on that?" 

"Don't call my feelings intense," Adrien scoffed. "I just have a high capacity for hate towards people who try to kiss my girlfriend." 

"Okay then," I held back a laugh. "You sure you aren't jealous that Damon's not into you?" 

Adrien looked highly baffled and taken aback. "I'm not gay." 

"That's right, because you're still in the closet—" 


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