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(I cried and laughed writing this but alright) 

'Adrien seems kinda distant lately,' I comment to Mari after dinner. I flop onto her bed. 'I hope nothings wrong.'

Mari hesitates before replying. 'Here's the thing...I think you like Cat Noir.'

'What?' I gasp. 'No I don't.'

'Think about it.'

I zone out, thinking about everything that's happened in the past few weeks.

'Hey Princess,' Cat Noir says, jumping onto the building that I happen to be sitting on. The moonlight shines down on my face, casting shadows across the gloor.

'Oh hey Kitty,' I smile. 'Couldn't sleep, so I came here.'

'I couldn't either.' He says, sitting down next to me. 'My father's being a real prick. He won't even let me go out to see my friends anymore. I have to finish my Chinese lessons.'

'That sucks,' I sigh. 'Wait-did you just say Chinese lessons?'

'Yeah, Father wants me to learn like twenty languages. Why?'

'Uh, no reason. And do you by any chance-'

He leans in closer. 'Yes?'

'Cat,' I say warningly.

'Sorry, sorry.'

'I should go,' I say.

'Wait, please don't,' he begs.

'You have a girlfriend, Kitty,' I sigh. 'I can't do this with you.'

'Y/n!' Mari says loudly. 'Y/n!'

'What?' I ask.

'I've been calling your name for the past five minutes,' Marinette says. 'Didn't you hear me?'

'No,' I shake my head, then sigh. 'You're right. I need to be honest with Adrien and tell him the truth...but-'

'What is the truth, exactly?' Marinette arches an eyebrow.

'I'll tell you once I figure it out,' I say quietly.


'Hey, Adrien,' I say once he answers the door. 'Cat-I mean can we talk?'

'Yeah,' Adrien looks miserable as well. 'I've been needing to talk to you as well.'

'Let's say it on the count of three.' I tap my foot. 'I have a feeling it's for the same reason.'

'Three, two, one-'

'I think we need to break up.'

'I'm so sorry,' I say. 'It's just that I think my feelings have changed,' I whisper.

'Me too,' Adrien's eyes cloud over. 'It's someone else, isn't it?'

I cast my own eyes downwards. 'Yeah, it is.'

(oh my god they're both blind as hell)

'Well....same...' Adrien sighs.

'I guess it was just time to move on,' Tears fill my eyes. 'See you around Adrien.' I dash down the steps.

'Miss, are you okay?' Longg asks from inside my pocket. I round the corner quickly, almost slipping on the wet pavement.

'Longg, bring the storm.'


'Are you alright, Ryuko?' Cat Noir asks, finding me on the same rooftop two nights after the break up. 

'No,' I whisper. 'I broke up with my boyfriend.' 

Cat Noir blinks. 'I broke up with my girlfriend too.' 

'I did it for you,' I blurt. 'I just can't explain, but there's this feeling I get when I'm with you.' 

Cat Noir's eyes blaze, almost glowing green in the pale moonlight and he leans in, kissing me. I gasp, pulling away. He hesitates, watching my expression as I pull him closer, wrapping my arms around him. Cat Noir sighs, purring slightly before sliding his hands around my waist. 

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