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'It's a record,' Adrien says, pointing at his phone. 'Look, no akuma attacks in more than three days.' 

I yawn, laying across his chest and nodding sleepily. 'go back to sleep Kitty, it's two in the morning.' 

He groans, shifting over. 'You know I have a king size bed for a reason.' 



'You look exhausted,' Marinette comments as I walk up to her and Alya. 'Another night at Cat Noir's house?' 

'What do you do that makes you so tired?' Alya asks sarcastically. 

'He wakes me up to tell me about no akuma alerts,' I yawn, sitting down at my desk. 'At two in the morning.' I frown at Mari. 'And don't tell me I shouldn't be there you hypocrite.' 

'I've never seen Luka this grumpy and happy at the same time,' Juleka mumbles from behind me. 'He drives us to school and then goes right back to bed. Mom had to drag him off the boat to get the groceries.' 

I laugh at the expression on Mari's face. 'What have you two been up to?' 

'Oh shut up,' She rolls her eyes. 

'Wonder what's gotten into Adrien these days?' Alya rests her chin on her hand, glancing at him across the desk. She lowers her voice to a whisper. 'I heard he was going out with Kagami.' 

'No way,' I huff. 'That's not true.' 

'And you would know because.....' Mari trails off. She looks towards Kagami's direction. That little b-

'She's all over him,' Alya observes, watching as Kagami says something to Adrien and touches his arm. 'It's almost as bad as Lila.' 

'Speaking of Lila,' I spot her at the back of the class. 'Someone doesn't look too happy over there.' 

Lila glares in my direction with fury. 

'After that outburst from her that resulted in literally nothing, she's been a lot quieter,' Mari points out. 'Good for us, I guess.' 

'Settle down class,' Ms. Bustier says, entering the room and placing her bag down. 'As you all know, I'm going to be having a baby soon.' 

The class erupts into excited whispering. 'I'd like for you to help me name her.' She smiles at the looks on our faces. 'Yes, she's a girl.' 

'How about Lyla-with a Y,' Lila says from the back of the room without raising her hand. 'It's such a pretty name. I once met a girl named Lyla and she was the Princess of Scotland.' 

'Sure,' Mari says and the class titters. 'There is no princess of Scotland Lila.' 


'That's quite enough,' Ms. Bustier coughs. 'Any other suggestions?' 

'How about Tulip?' Rose suggests, her face lighting up. 'I just love that name!' 

'That's a nice name, Rose,' Ms. Bustier says. 'I've always liked the name Emilie, what do you guys think of that?' 

'No, because if you name her Emile, she might get locked in someone's basement,' Chloe giggles. 

'Whatever do you mean by that Chloe?' Ms. Bustier frowns and Adrien looks slightly taken aback. 

She shrugs. 'I don't know, Emilie just seems like a name for a really dead person.' 

The class falls silent. 

'Alright, that's quite enough of that,' Ms. Bustier claps her hands. 'Let's move on to the lesson now.' 


'What an eventful class,' Mari says, taking a bite of her sandwich. 'Hey look, Adrien's coming over.' 

'Hey Mari, hi Y/n,' Adrien says, smiling at me. 'I was wondering if you'd like to see a movie with me tonight, y/n?' 

I blink confusedly. Has this boy lost his mind? (Oh wait he doesn't have one because he's as blind as Dora the Explorer) 

'Um. What?' 

'....I mean-well I know you're seeing Cat Noir and all but-I uh-you know....just go as friends?' He stutters. 

'We need to talk,' I say quickly, ignoring Mari's expression and walking away. 

He follows me to an empty street. 

'What the heck was that all about?' I hiss. 

'Is something the matter Young Lady?' Longg flits out from my bag. 

'No it's fine,' I force a smile. 'Here I think I'll be okay for a bit, why don't you go and eat some Camembert with Plagg?' 

Longg nods, her face lighting up as she flies away to find the black Kwami. 

'I want to date you as Adrien,' Adrien says. 'Not Cat Noir. It's too hard like this.' 

I sigh. 'You know I want that too...but can you imagine how the world would react?' 

'So we don't tell the world,' Adrien suggests. 'We only tell our closest friends.' 

'How would we keep that a secret?' I ask. 'I mean, it'll pretty much be the same situation we're in now.' 

'I have a solution for that,' Adrien looks slightly nervous. 'I found this potion in the Miraculous book.' 

'Where are you going with this?' 

'It can change reality.' 

'That's way too dangerous,' I shake my head. 'We don't know if it would even work.' 

'It's worth a try,' Adrien says, sighing. 'I just want to be with you.' 

I fold my arms. 'So what reality would you want?' 

'The reality where you and Cat Noir didn't get together, just me and you.' He blinks. 'Then no one would think you're a cheater.' 

'Will we still have these memories together though? Do I know you're Cat Noir in this reality?' I ask worriedly. 

'I...I don't know.' Adrien says. 'But I think it's worth trying. I know that it'll work, I just don't know all the side effects.' 

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