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'You're lying,' I have to fight to keep the tremble out of my voice. 'Adrien would never do something like that. Never.' 

Mayura's head tips up. 'Are you sure about that? Adrien, come out now.' 

Adrien comes out from behind the door frame. His face is an expression of pure malice, and he stares down at Ladybug and I with disdain. 

'I hate you,' He practically spits the words at me and I recoil. 'You two are both so foolish, and gullible if you think that I would side with you instead of my own family. You mean nothing to me, Y/n.' 

Ladybug's eyes are wide, and her expression mirrors mine. 'Adrien?' 

I squint into his green eyes, so close to the colour of Adrien's but yet...not. 

'You aren't Adrien,' I conclude, stepping back. 'Felix, right? Adrien told me all about you.' 

Felix glances at Mayura, slightly uncertain. 'No. I'm Adrien.' 

I cross my arms. 'Fine, so tell me something only Adrien would know.' 

He smirks, tipping his head. 'That note I sent you in class, we never got to-' 

I hold up my hand. 'Yeah-yeah. Okay..Adrien must have told you about that.' 

Felix snarls. 'I am Adrien, you bitch.' 

'You did not just call my si-my best friend a bitch,' Ladybug takes a step forward, swinging her yo-yo. 'Whether you're Adrien or not, I think it's time for you to shut your mouth.' 

'This is taking way too long,' Mayura hisses, grabbing me. It catches me off guard and I stumble backwards. Just enough time for Mayura to throw me down the stairs. I don't have time to catch myself and I land hard at the bottom of the staircase. 

Sitting up slowly, I pull my sword out, pointing it at Mayura, who starts to advance. 

'Ladybug, get help,' I call up the stairs to Ladybug, whose starting to fight Felix. She shakes her head fervently. 

'I'm not going to leave you here.' Ladybug yells, swinging her Yo-yo to trap Felix against Adrien's pole. Pole? Why does Adrien even have that? 

'I'll be fine,' I shout. 'Get the others!' 

Her eyes open wide as she understands. 'Okay, promise I'll be back.' 

'That's quite enough talk,' Mayura growls, stepping towards me. I stand to my feet, hovering slightly in the air and wielding my sword. 

'What are you going to do about it?' I taunt. 'You're just a useless assistant that no one wants.' 

'Shut up!' Mayura shrieks, aiming to punch me. I dodge easily, landing a blow on her shoulder. 'You know nothing of my relationship with Gabriel!' 

I smirk. 'I seem to have hit a nerve. Who said anything about Gabriel?' 

'I. Told. You. To. Call. Him. Mr. Agreste!' She shouts, flying at me with a renewed energy. She manages to land a couple of punches, but I block most of them with my sword. The hits don't seem to affect her and for a few minutes she has the upper hand. 

'ENOUGH!' A loud booming voice yells from beside me. 'Y/n, it's time we had a chat.' 

'Hawkmoth,' I turn my head. Surely enough, he stands right beside Mayura. 

'Stop this childish behavior,' He scolds, grasping Nathalie's shoulder. 'I told you to bring her to me. Not fight her.' 

'But Sir,' Mayura protests. 

'I don't want to hear it right now.' Hawkmoth growls. 'We will have words later.' 

I step back. 'Uh, can I leave now?' 

'We must talk, now.' Hawkmoth holds his hand out. Like I'm going to shake that evil germ-corona infested hand. 'Truce for now.' 

'And why would I believe you? The only thing you've proven tonight is that you're willing to do anything to get my Miraculous,' I point out. 

'I have Adrien.' 

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