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"I hate detention," Adrien complained loudly, leaning back in his chair. The metal scraped loudly against the ground, making me wince. 

The teacher had left ten minutes ago. It was unlikely she would ever return from the staff room. Based on her age, I'm thinking she either fell asleep, or died in there. 

"You shouldn't have come out from under your desk, dumbass," I said casually, throwing my pencil in the air and catching it. Adrien gave me a falsely annoyed look, holding up the hand that contained his ring. 

"Well, I had to get my ring," Adrien reasoned, rolling his eyes and tipping further back in his chair. His blonde hair flopped over the side of his face and he huffed loudly, pushing it away. 

I smirked. "Maybe you should be more careful with it in the future," I said, knowing very well I was skating of thin ice. It wasn't a good idea to provoke him—but I was extremely bored, and this was more entertaining than sitting in silence. 

Lila was watching our interaction very closely. She narrowed her eyes slightly, leaning forward in her desk. She was surprisingly silent though out the first part of detention which made me borderline suspicious. 

Lila always had something to say. 

"You really think I don't take good care of it?" Adrien asked, turning to me with a skeptical look. The corners of his mouth turned up in a way that gave me butterflies. His Cat Noir side was coming out again..which may or may not be a good thing in this exact moment. 

I shrugged. "I could do better." I spotted Plagg under the desk face palming as he flitted back into Adrien's bag. 

Adrien narrowed his eyes. "You wanna bet on that, Y/n?" There was a loud thud as his chair fell back on four legs. 

I could almost hear Plagg shaking his head from inside the bag. "No, no no, bad idea." 

"Yeah, definitely," I commented.

"Fine," Adrien said, standing up. He slipped the ring of his finger, passing it to me. Plagg's ears stuck out of his bag with indignation. "Don't lose it within the next 24 hours or there'll be hell to pay." 

"Mhm," I quipped, slipping it on the ring finger of my right hand. I knew it was a bad idea, but..what was the harm in 24 hours? It's not like anything bad could happen...right?

Lila was probably picking up on some kind of tension because she opened her mouth. "So, Adrien, I was wondering if you might want to come over to my house after detention?" Her smile widened. "I'm way better at...things, than Y/n is." 

Adrien, deciding to play along for whatever reason, turned to face her. "Oh yeah?" He glanced back at me with an expression that clearly said he was up to no good. "You think you'd be better than Y/n?" 

Oh no he didn't. 

"Hmm, yeah, I do," Lila hummed, leaning on her hands. "But there's only one way to find out." 

Adrien laughed, and I knew him well enough to know it was a fake laugh he used when he was with people he didn't like. 

"I don't need to test that theory," Adrien said, turning his attention back to me. His green eyes met mine evenly. "I already know the answer." 

Lila's mouth tugged into a frown. 

"You know, for someone who's supposed to be in a relationship with Cat Noir, you're awfully close with other guys, Y/n," Lila scoffed loudly, looking at me. "For example, you gave Nino a pencil yesterday." 

"Oh my god it's a scandal," Adrien gasped dramatically. "Not a pencil—" 

I respectfully ignored him. 

"That's called common decency, Lila," I said, keeping my expression placid. "Which is a term you might not be familiar with." 

Lila smiled sweetly, not even looking at me as she stared down at her phone. The next words that came out of her mouth were even more infuriating. 

"Have you ever heard of the term, abstinence?" 

Adrien gasped again, even more dramatically than the last one. "She's got you there, Y/n." 

"Fuck you," I stuck my middle finger up at him. 

That made him smirk again and he mouthed. "Later." 

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