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Cat Blanc stands up, his eyes cold. They're no longer the colour of emeralds, replaced by an icy blue fire that fills me with dread. 

'Kitty....' I trail off, studying him from head to toe. His costume is exactly like the old once, but a startling shade of white. 'Adrien, I know you're still in there.' 

'I'm Cat Blanc,' He says dully, raising his left hand to face me. 'Cataclysm.' The giant white orb grows in his palm and he walks towards me. 

'You can still fight this,' I whisper, ignoring the fact that he could destroy all of us. 'It doesn't have to be this way.' 

'There's no other choices,' Cat Blanc responds, his blue eyes flashing erratically. 'There is nothing left.' 

'That's it,' Hawkmoth murmurs, his eyes dark. 'Now destroy her and take her Miraculous.' 

Cat Blanc winces, shaking his head again. 'No.' He mutters. 'No. Y/n. I can't hurt her.' 

'Imbecile, do it now,' Hawkmoth narrows his eyes. 'Destroy her. She doesn't want you to be happy.' 

'Of course I want you to be happy,' I smile, despite of myself. 'The only thing I want is your happiness. I don't want you to ever feel lonely, I promise.' 

'She's lying,' Hawkmoth says quickly. 'She doesn't mean any of that.' 

'Says the guy who just akumatized his son,' I roll my eyes. 

'It's time for you to go,' His tone becomes menacing and he steps towards me. 

'You're the one who won't be leaving today, old man,' I say, levitating in the air and pointing my sword at him. I whip it towards him and he parries with his stick. Every blow I throw at him, he dodges, leaping all around like he's been practicing for this day. 

Adrien, or Cat Blanc, remains behind us in somewhat of a frozen state, the cataclysm in his hand still edging wider. Eventually, it'll destroy us, which is why I'm counting on Ladybug and her back up. Hopefully, she'll be able to deakumatize him before anything terrible happens. 

Hawkmoth leaps at me, and I barely dodge his blow, the stick slamming into the pole beside me. 

'Give up already!' He shouts. 'It's over. You've lost Adrien!' 

'Looks like you're in need of some help,' A familiar voice says from behind me. Ladybug. 

I turn around to see an entire team of superhero's. Rena Rouge, Carapace, Queen Bee, and Viperion. 

'You're so going down Hawkmoth,' Queen Bee smirks, tapping her nails against the railing. 

'How dare you children come in here?' Hawkmoth growls, walking towards them. In a flash, everyone jumps  into battle. 

Hawkmoth, unfortunately is a fair match for all of us. Ladybug throws her yo-yo, attempting to wrap him in the string, but he dodges and it wraps around the pole. She sighs with frustration while Rena Rouge creates the illusion of more superhero's. Duplicates of all of them swarm Hawkmoth and he uses his stick to wipe them away. 

Viperion's eyes widen as he points behind me. 'Cat Noir?' 

I turn around again to see Cat Blanc's cataclysm growing. 

'I'm so sorry...darling.' 

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