EP 3 Male Reader x Yandere Boss

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Ring Ring Ring.

(Y/N): What?

I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing. I got up and grabbed my phone, it was my boss Rose.

(Y/N): Good morning Ms. Hart. How can I help you?

Rose: (y/n) how many times do I have to tell you to call me Rose?

(Y/N): At least once more I guess.

Rose: I would like for you to be ready and waiting outside your house in 30 minutes.

(Y/N): Why?

Rose: Don't question me silly, but if you must know it is because I am giving you a ride to work. It's a special day after all. See you in a little bit.

(Y/N): Wait. I didn't tell you where I lived.

It was pointless, but she already hung up. I tried to call her back, but no answer. She was right though today was special because it was my last day working for Ms. Hart. Don't get me wrong she is a great boss even though she is always looking over my shoulder. My fiancee got a great job 3 hours away, so we decided to move closer. I got ready and was waiting for Rose when a white lexus pulled up. The window rolled down to reveal Rose.

Rose: Come on get in.

I got in the car.

(Y/N): Thank you, but how'd you know where I live?

Rose: I'm your boss, it's in your file.

(Y/N): So in all honesty why did you want to pick me up.

Rose: I told you because it's a special day and did you tell me that your soon to be wife would be driving you to your new home after work.

(Y/N): Oh yeah I can't wait.

She didn't say anything after that, just kept shooting me looks throughout the entire drive to work. I didn't want to say anything in case she was upset with me. When we parked I got out of the car and ran to the other side to open the door for her.

Rose: Thank you. When we go inside don't bother going to your desk we'll go straight to my office. Ok?

(Y/N): Ok.

It was still pretty early, so the office was nearly empty except for us and Claire. Claire was Rose's assistant.

Claire: Good morning Mrs. Hart. Good morning (y/n).

(Y/N): Good morning.

Claire: I heard it's your last day with us. I'm gonna miss you.

She pulled me into a tight hug and buried her face into my chest. I gave her a hug back.

(Y/N): I will miss you too. Thank you for always brightening up my day with your warm smile.

Rose: That's enough you two.

Claire: Sorry. I just wanted to say goodbye.

Rose: I know what you were trying to do, but let's just move on. Why don't you run along and get me my coffee.

Claire: Yes ma'am.

Claire waved goodbye and ran off to grab a coffee. Rose grabbed my arm and pulled me into her office. She sat down behind her desk and had me sit across from her like always. Something was off about her today.

(Y/N): Rose.

Rose: Yes.

(Y/N): Are you mad at me for leaving?

Rose: What makes you think that?

(Y/N): Well in the car you got quiet after I said I was excited to start my new life then you snapped a Claire for saying goodbye and your whole energy just seems to be off.

Yandere Females x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now