EP 23 Male Reader x Yandere Hermione Granger (L)

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I hope you guys enjoy this story if you do be sure to like and comment. I'll be honest I decided to make it lemon at the last minute so I hope you guys find it hot.

I was pushing my trolly while on platform 9 in London's King Cross Station. It's where the secret barrier was located to get on the Hogwarts express. I waited for a good time when the muggles weren't paying attention to head through the barrier. I ran at the wall, but instead of crashing I went through and came out the other side on platform 9 and ¾.

I looked at the clock and saw that it was 10:50 am which meant I had ten minutes to get my stuff and myself on the train

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I looked at the clock and saw that it was 10:50 am which meant I had ten minutes to get my stuff and myself on the train. I handed off my bags to one of the people who was loading the train. Before I got on the train myself I looked around to see all of the kids saying goodbye to their parents. In all honesty, I was looking for one person in particular but didn't see her so she must be on the train already. I turned back to get on the train when someone called my name.

???: (y/n)!

I knew that voice and they sounded excited to see me. I saw Hermione Granger already in uniform getting on the train behind me.

She hugged me tightly

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She hugged me tightly.

Hermione: It's good to see you.

I gave her a hug back.

(Y/N): It's good to see you as well.

Hermione: I hope you had a good summer.

(Y/N): I did. I have to say I'm surprised that you only got on the train with five minutes to go. I thought someone like you would be seated with fifteen minutes to go.

Hermione: I guess I am normally early, but the goodbye with my parents went long. Speaking of which, I didn't see your parents.

(Y/N): We said goodbye when I left the house this morning. I didn't want them to take a long ride to get her then go back. 

Hermione: I understand that. We should probably head to our seats.

I followed her through the train cars making our way to the front. As we were passing by one of the cabins someone called out to Hermione. It was Ron and Harry.

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