EP 4 Male Reader x Yandere Helen Parr

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(A/N): This was my first requested chapter, so I hope this goes well. Also in this universe there is no mister incredible, so Helen is elastigirl.
(Y/N)'s POV

I was sitting at my desk working on my latest piece for the newspaper when my boss Mr. Jefferson entered. He was a dick and would often scream at us publicly. He said it builds character and helps us write better. I wonder who is going to be the victim of his wrath today.

Mr. Jefferson: (y/n)!

(Y/N): Shit.

He slammed a copy of my latest story on my desk.

Mr. Jefferson: What is this crap?!

I wanted to speak, but we knew it was best to stay quiet until he burned out.

Mr. Jefferson: How many times do I have to tell you not to write about heroes. The time of heroes is over and it is best if we don't mention it. They are gone and have been for years deal with it. The rest of the world has forgotten about them and you want to stir up trouble with "A World in Need of Heroes, Crime on the Rise". I'm not letting this dangerous material in the paper you have till the end of the day to submit a new story. How about a story on the baby penguins at the aquarium.

He had finished his rant and started walking away. Everyone took a breath and started to get back to work.

(Y/N): Dangerous material?!

I called after him. A loud gasp from my coworkers filled the room. No one had ever talked back.

Mr. Jefferson: Excuse me?

(Y/N): How is this material dangerous? Everything I wrote is true. Crime has been increasing since the day we turned our backs on the heroes who protected us out of the kindness of their heart. It's only a matter of time before a supervillain takes over and we won't be able to fight. The people need to know that we all made a mistake and that it's time we fix it. They will never come around if you have us keep filling their heads with fluff pieces to make them think everything is ok. They need to know they are in danger.

Mr. Jefferson: That is enough! One more word out of you and you're fired! So what were you saying come on say it again for everyone to hear.

I didn't say anything and sat back at my desk.

Mr. Jefferson: That's what I thought. Get back to work now.

He left and everyone went back to work like nothing happened. I knew I was right, but I seemed to be the only one who thought so. I felt so alone in that moment. Little did I know across someone had just witnessed the whole thing and agreed with me.

(Y/N): Fuck it.

I grabbed my story and ran downstairs to the printing room. I was looking for Frank. He was old and in charge of printing.

(Y/N): Frank.

Frank: Yes.

He said as he appeared coming from behind a stack of papers. I hand him the paper with my story.

(Y/N): This is the newest paper you need to print.

He looked at it and raised an eyebrow.

Frank: Heroes really?

(Y/N): I can explain.

Frank: No need. I know Mr. Jefferson wouldn't let this slide, but I will do it for you.

(Y/N): Really? Why?

Frank: You are a good man (y/n). You are trying to do what is right and I remember the golden age of heroes.

Yandere Females x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now