EP 11 Jedi Reader x Yandere Fem. Clone Squad Part 2

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(A/N): I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who reads this book and supports it. I mean in like 3 weeks this already has 5k total views that is pretty good. There is a note at the end of the story so check that out.

After the clones found out that their Jedi general Aayla Secura was going to send away her padawan (y/n)(l/n) to keep him away from the clones they turned on her. They killed her and they took the  transport to an uninhabited planet in the outtrim where no one would find them. The clones blew up the ship leaving no trace and began setting up their new lives.

Commander Ruby's POV

It's been three days since we arrived on this unknown planet. (y/n) has yet to regain consciousness which is good it gives us time to get things set up. We set up camp on the edge of the forest, so if someone did find us we wouldn't be exposed on the grassy plains. We had to put him in force dampening handcuffs to prevent him from using the force against us. I also took his lightsaber and hid it in a special location only I know. All of this was temporary until (y/n) accepted our love for him. I walked back into our hut to see (y/n) handcuffed and tied to the bed with Luna watching over him.

Commander Ruby: How is he?

Luna: He is stirring a bit. I think he will wake up soon.

Commander Ruby: Take a break I will watch over him until and if anything changes I'll let you know.

Luna: Will do.

Once Luna left I decided to lay next to (y/n) and try to comfort him. He was moving a lot like he was having nightmares.

Commander Ruby: (y/n) it's ok there is no more war. You are safe, everything will be ok. I will not let anyone harm you I promise.

(Y/N)'s POV

I kept having nightmares of clones turning on me and my master. I had to watch as the clones hunted her, before turning their sights on me. I could sense something in the force; it was a rising darkness. I could feel hatred growing and could feel someone wanted to destroy the Jedi from the inside. I sensed the same darkness around the clones. It couldn't be true why they would turn on us. I had a vision of the girls standing over me about to execute me once they fired I woke up. I was tied to a bed with forced damping handcuffs on. I noticed Commander Ruby on the bed, but she wasn't tied up. I knew what happened and what I needed to do. Luckily I was able to get out of the ropes holding me down. When I got up I could see Commander Ruby waking up.

Commander Ruby: (Y/N)! How did you get out of the ropes?

I didn't answer. I was trying to find my lightsaber, but they probably took it. The only way out was through the doorway that Commander Ruby was blocking.

(Y/N): Get out of my way.

Commander Ruby: You need to stand down. Listen to me and I will explain everything.

I saw her reaching for her gun. I kicked the gun out of her hand and headbutted her, knocking her to the ground. I ran out the door finding myself on a strange planet. I was at the border of the forest. I knew it was my safest bet, so I started running with the hope of getting these cuffs off and a way to contact the council for help. I heard Commander Ruby calling after me, but I didn't turn back.

Commander Ruby's POV

Commander Ruby: (y/n) come back.

I heard footsteps approaching it was the rest of the girls.

Luna: What happened? You have swelling to the right side of your face. You should let me check it out.
Commander Ruby: No time. (y/n) woke up in a panic he freaked out and escaped. I had blocked the door before he could get out. He saw me reach for my weapon, so he knocked it out of my hand and headbutted me. He ran off into the forest. We need to go in after him.

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