EP 5 Male Reader x Yandere Nekos

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I was sitting at home waiting for my girlfriend to get home. We have been dating for about 4 years and we have been living together for about the last two. I heard the door opening and looked to see my girlfriend.

Ava: Hi, sweetie I'm home.

(Y/N): Welcome home.

I got up to give her a kiss.

Ava: Here let's sit down. I want to talk to you about something.

(Y/N): Ok is everything alright.

We sat down on the couch and she took my hands in hers.

Ava: So you know how we have talked about taking the next step in our relationship.
(Y/N): Yeah.

Ava: Well I was thinking we should get a pet.

(Y/N): That sounds great, but what kind of pet do you want to get?

Ava: We could get a dog.

(Y/N): You know I love dogs, but we both work full time jobs and this apartment is small.

Ava: Then what do you suggest? A cat. Oh yes a cat I had one as a kid she was so nice.

(Y/N): You know I'm not a cat person, but I will learn to be if getting a cat will make you happy.

She jumped into my lap and started kissing me.

Ava: Yes! Thank you. Thank you. You are the best boyfriend ever.

(Y/N): You're welcome baby. Come on we should head to the shelter before the close.

Ava: Wait we need to buy supplies for them. I will go get it because I know what we need and you go get the cat.

(Y/N): You want me to pick the cat?

Ava: Sweetheart I believe in you and as long as it's a cat I don't care.

(Y/N): Ok.

We left for our respective task. I arrived at the shelter and met with the old lady in charge.

Old Lady: So you and your girlfriend want to adopt a cat. How wonderful dear. I am so happy you came to us. We have so many wonderful cats.   

The lady took me around looking at different cats of all different shapes and sizes. Some were playful, some hissed, and some were indifferent.

Old Lady: So dear did you see any you like.

(Y/N): The Bengal cat you have was great.
Old Lady: Wonderful choice dear she is so sweet.

???: Meow.

(Y/N): Well hello. I don't remember seeing you.

I looked down to see a white cat. I bent down to pet it, but it jumped up on my shoulder and jumped against my cheek.

Other ???: Meoww.

A black cat appeared and began rubbing up against my leg.

(Y/N): Why didn't you show me these cats. Are they already adopted?

Old Lady: Well no. They won't separate from each other and they have been highly aggressive with people who have come in.

(Y/N): They are angels. Can I adopt them? 

Old Lady: Of course.


(Y/N): Honey I'm home.

Ava: Baby!

(Y/N): Come here I think you will love this.

I opened the box to reveal two cats one black and the other white.

Yandere Females x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now