EP 7 Male Reader x The Yandere Store

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(A/N): So my friend sent me a video by Fake ASMR on youtube covering this topic and I thought it could be a cool idea for a story, so I decided to put my own spin on it. I would recommend checking out the youtube channel.

(Y/N)'s POV

I've been pretty down since my girlfriend left me and I lost my job, but my luck seemed to be turning around because the other day I go an email that read

"Dear Mr (L/N),

We have heard about the unfortunate turn of events you experienced, but we may be able to help you. Everything about you fits what we need you to do. We will pay really well and you all you have to do is some security work. If you are interested please respond quickly and we will send you more information than.

Thank you.

P.S. Don't ask too many questions."

I had a bad feeling about this, but I really needed the money. I replied back and they said that they could put me to work the next day which was now today. They sent me the address and told me to show up at 7pm. I was getting ready for work and I was questioning my decision to go when I heard a knock at the door. I opened it only to see my ex-girlfriend standing there.

Amy: Don't think I am coming back to be with you. I just wanted to come and get my red sweater.

(Y/N): It's in the closet. I go get it.

I left to go get the sweater.

Amy: So still unemployed?

(Y/N): Actually I was just about to leave for my new job. So here take this and I hope I never see your cheating face ever again.

She left in a huff and I felt great having said that. I felt good and decided I was going to that job and was ready. I got in my car and in half an hour I was outside what looked like a small wearhouse. It had a big sign above the door, but It was heard to read in the dark. I entered the store and in the front state a woman who didn't seem too happy to see me. Her name tag said Jen.

Jen: Welcome to Yanderes R US. What type of yandere are you into?

She sounded like she was disgusted. I was so confused as to what she said to me.

(Y/N): What? I was told to show up here for a job.

Jen: Oh you must be (y/n). Sorry you would not believe the people that come in here. So do you know what you are doing here?

(Y/N): No, the email was very vague and it also said not to ask too many questions.

Jen: Well I guess I will have to tell you. So first off do you know what a yandere is?

(Y/N): It is like someone who is crazy in love with someone and will do anything to be with them.

Jen: Close enough. So if you haven't guessed that is what we sell her at Yanderes R US.

(Y/N): You sell people? That has to be illegal.

Jen: Well technically yes, but it's not illegal. This is actually a government funded business.

(Y/N): Really?

Jen: Yes, we can't just have a bunch of yanderes running around killing people now can't we.

(Y/N): I guess.

Jen: So your job is just to sit here behind my desk and watch the place. I will quickly show you how to lock up and then your shift will end when I come back tomorrow at 7am. Can you do that?

Yandere Females x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now