EP 12 Male Reader x Yandere A.I

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I was home alone watching tv on the couch because my rich parents were on a vacation for the month. They had left early this morning. My dad had just walked past me to the car, but my mom told me she was worried about leaving for the month, so she ordered a security system that would be getting installed today. She kissed my forehead and joined my dad in the car. I didn't know why we needed a security system. They have been leaving me home alone since I was eight. I heard a knock on the door, so I went to answer it.

(Y/N): Hi. Can I help you?

Delivery Guy: Yeah I am looking for Mr or Miss (l/n).

(Y/N): I am their son.

Delivery Guy: Ok I am here to set up your new security system. I just need you to sign the paperwork.

The guy handed me a stack of papers that I need to sign. He went back to his truck to grab his tools and I went back inside to sign the paperwork. By the time I was done he had finished too. He had also left a huge wooden box in the middle of the living room. I decided to check out the new system. Each room had a smart pad on the wall to work the system. When I turned it on I saw options for locks, cameras, and more. A small window popped up in the concern of the screen. It was a girl with long brown hair and hazel eyes.

Honey: Hi, my name is Honey. I am your new in house A.I.

I was a little shocked that this system came with a working A.I. I had never seen one before I thought it was only in movies and tv.

(Y/N): Hi.

Honey: You must be (y/n). I am pleased to meet you.

(Y/N): How did you know my name?

Honey: When your parent's purchased me they had to fill out a reason for purchase. Your mother wrote "Watch the house and take care of (y/n)(l/n)." It goes on, but that is the important part.

(Y/N): Ok. What's this option for in person helper?

Honey: Press it and find out.

I pressed the button and the big box left in the living opened. I saw someone stepping out of the box. It was a woman that looked a lot like Honey. She walked over to me.

(Y/N): Honey, what's going on?

She started talking again, but this time it was the woman who was speaking.

Honey: Don't worry (y/n) this is my android body that allows me to help around the house.

(Y/N): You look so real. May I?

Honey: Of course.

I took her hand in mine. It was warm and soft to the touch like a human.

Honey: My creators thought it would be a good idea to make us as real as possible so our buyers can feel more comfortable.

(Y/N): So are you the only A.I for all buyers?

Honey: No of course not. I was created for this sole job if we had one A.I doing every job it could lead to negative consequences such as if a system shutdown happened it would leave all houses vulnerable.

(Y/N): Ok, so are you all set up now.

Honey: I just need to set up my charging dock. I would like to have it set up in your bedroom in case of emergency I would be able to protect you.

(Y/N): I don't think we have much to worry about, but sure. I'm gonna head out for a little bit, so just lock the doors behind me.

I was about to leave, but the doors locked before I could open the door.

Yandere Females x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now