EP 13 Teacher Reader x Yandere single mom

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The bell sounded to start the school day. I was trying to get my 5th grade class to settle down.

(Y/N): Ok class you heard the bell you know what that means. Take your seats and stop talking so we can start. I know summer is fast approaching with only 3 weeks left to go, but we still have work to do. All right please take out your homework.

I saw one of my students had their hand in the air.

(Y/N): Yes, Steve.

Steve: Can I collect it for you?

(Y/N): Sure.

Steve went around to collect the students' homework. I was putting some math problems on the board.

(Y/N): While Steve is collecting I want the rest of you to take out your notebooks and try these practice problems. These are to review what we did last week.

The class got to work and Steve placed the homework on my desk. The homework was easy. It was write about what you want to do this summer, so it is more of just you did it or not. All of my students did it except one, Bonnie. She was a good kid, but had issues with handing in homework.


(Y/N): Alright class that is lunch go get your stuff and head down to the cafeteria. Bonnie, can I speak with you for a second?

She walked over to me shyly.

Bonnie: Yes.

(Y/N): Bonnie, you didn't hand in your homework. This makes five times. I want you to stay here during lunch to work on it ok.

Bonnie: Ok.

She sat down at her desk and began working on the assignment. Within a minute I saw her hand go up.

(Y/N): Yes.

Bonnie: What if I don't know what I want to do this summer?

(Y/N): You can write about what you normally do during the summer or stuff you always dream of doing. Also you can still eat your lunch. I just wanted you to work on your homework.

Bonnie: Ok.

She just went back to working on her assignment with her head down low. I walked over to her desk.

(Y/N): Aren't you gonna go get your lunch from your bag?

She shook her head no.

(Y/N): Why is that?

Bonnie: Because I don't have any lunch.

(Y/N): Your parents didn't make you lunch.

Bonnie: It's just me and my mom. She doesn't make lunch.

(Y/N): Ok Bonnie, do you want my lunch?
Bonnie: But it's your lunch.

(Y/N): I will share with you.

I grabbed my lunch and gave her half.

(Y/N): Here it is just a grilled chicken caesar wrap.

She took half and began to eat it.

(Y/N): Look going forward if you don't have lunch tell me and I will share.

She nodded happily. I went back to my desk to eat my lunch. After that she finished her assignment and I let her go to reseces with the other kids. I looked at her assignment and it read

"I normally spend the days of summer with Ms. Johns she's old and not that much fun, but we talk and play board games. If I am extra good she makes cookies. I wish this summer I could spend more time with mommy. Normally when she comes home she is too tired to play or talk. I also want to see mommy happy."

Yandere Females x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now