EP 10 A Very Yandere Easter(Female Easter Bunny)

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(A/N): Happy Easter everyone for the holiday I wanted to write you a special story unfortunately I forgot because I was working on other stories, so I wrote this at 1 am. So if it seems rushed or not good that's why. Enjoy everyone
Easter Bunny's(Lily) POV

It was a great day because tomorrow is Easter which we all know is the best holiday. In the morning families will get together for brunch and kids will search their yards for all of the colorful eggs I will hide. It is a day full of love and joy. I was thinking about more than that though. At the moment I was lying in bed watching live footage from the secret cameras I hid in my special bunny's house.

Lily: Oh (y/n) little do you know that your life will change in a matter of hours.

He was a boy I had been watching since he was little not like that. He had woken up one night to let his puppy out and he saw me. He was the cutest and sweetest thing on the planet so every now and then I would check in on him. I soon came to realize that I loved him and once he became of age I put the camera in his room, so I could watch him. He had been talking to some girl lately and she had been coming over to his place. Now as far as I know the two haven't slept together which is good because I wouldn't want to have hurt anyone, but I would in a heartbeat to keep what is mine.

Helper Bunny: Ma'am you called for me.

Lily: Yes make sure everything is ready for tomorrow.

Helper Bunny: As you wish.

Soon everything would be perfect.

(Y/N)'s POV

(Y/N): Yes mom I will be over at your house for brunch in the morning. I wouldn't miss it for the world to tell the family I love them.

I hung up the phone and sat on my bed. Easter was always a special time for my family. It was my mom's favorite holiday and one time I actually thought I saw the Easter bunny, but over the years I came to realize it was just a dream.

Knock Knock Knock.

I checked my phone and saw it was 10:30 at night.

(Y/N): Who is knocking on my door so late a night?

I went to my front door and opened it to see the girl I have been talking to.

Wendy: Hi baby.

(Y/N): Hi. What are you doing here?

Wendy: I was thinking it was about time we finally had sex. Right now.

She started undoing her blouse.

(Y/N): Wait wait. We can't do this right now.

Wendy: Why not?

(Y/N): I have to get up early tomorrow for Easter with my family. I really can't do this right now.

Wendy: But if we do this then tomorrow we can both go to Easter and you can introduce your family as your new girlfriend.

(Y/N): Please while that sounds nice I really can't. My mother doesn't like us bringing anyone home until we are serious. I like you ok.

Wendy: Fine, but what do you think about next Thursday at my house for some fun?

(Y/N): I will be there.

Wendy: Bye.

(Y/N): Bye.

Wendy left and I closed the door. I decided it was best for me to turn in for the night.

Wendy's POV

Wendy: Fuck fuck fuck. I had everything ready to kidnap him if he didn't let me in. He was just so nice and worried what his mom would think. Fine I just kidnap him on Thursday when he covers over and we'll be together.

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