EP 33 Male Reader x Yandere Alice Angel

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I'm sorry for the delay I rewrote this a number of times to make it perfect. I also have plans for updating/finishing some of my other stories plus plans for future books. The two names that I have for the future stories as of this moment are "Adopted" and "Cheated" if anyone wants to try and guess what they will be about. I hope you all enjoy be and be sure to comment because I love reading them and you guys are actually pretty funny.


(Y/N)'s POV age: 7

I was in the car with my dad on his way into work. I never got to visit where he worked before, but since he and mommy got divorced and she moved to California there was no one to watch me during the daytime. Normally I would be in school when he worked but I was on summer vacation.

Dad: Alright, (y/n) listen up.

I looked up and saw dad was looking at me using the rear-view mirror.

Dad: I know this whole divorce thing has been hard.

(Y/N): Not really.

Dad: That's because we kept you out of it. Anyway me and your mother haven't figured out visitation so for right now you are staying with me. After today I promise to find you a babysitter so you won't have to keep coming in with me.

(Y/N): Why? I think it's exciting.

Dad: I really don't think you'll like it. You'll mostly be sitting in my office.

(Y/N): Oh.

Dad: Sorry bud.

Now I was wishing that I had brought some games, coloring books, or something. We arrived at my dad's job after he parked the car we went inside. As soon as we walked in the front door I saw movie posters with characters on the walls along with a few cardboard cutouts. We walked through the building stopping at a room with my dad's name on it.

Dad: Here we are.

???: Good morning, (D/N).

I saw a man walking down the hall in our direction.

Dad: Good morning, Mr

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Dad: Good morning, Mr. Drew.

Mr. Drew: And who might this be?

Dad: This is my son, (y/n). Go on and say hello.

(Y/N): Nice to meet you, Mr. Drew.

Mr. Drew: *Laughing* You young man can call me Joey.

(Y/N): Joey Drew.

Joey: That's my name.

(Y/N): I think it's a good name.

Joey: Why thank you. Have you come to work for me?

Dad: (y/n) why don't you go inside my office now.

Joey: What's the rush (D/N)?

Dad: I have to get to work and I need to keep an eye on him.

Yandere Females x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now