EP 6 Male Reader x Yandere Female Magician

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One of the biggest shows in the country was the Celestia magic show. She had performed all over the world. She had everything: fame, money, power, but one thing was missing (y/n). She layed in bed looking at a picture of him and her she had taken five years ago. She had dropped out of highschool and joined the circus. One fateful night she invited a boy about her age to join the performance. He was shy, but performed like a pro. Celestia couldn't help but fall for him and after the show she asked for a picture together. She eventually broke out on her own and became a huge success, but sadly she had to leave her home and him behind.

Celestia: Oh (y/n) you are so precious. I love you so much.

She kissed the picture before putting it on her bedside table. She picked up her phone and called her assistant.

Assistant: Yes, Celestia.

Celestia: Did you complete the special task I gave you?

Assistant: Yes, ma-am.

Celestia: Make sure everything is ready for tonight's show.

Assistant: As you wish.

She hung up the phone and jumped out of bed to get ready.

(Y/N)'s POV

I had just finished a night shift working as a nurse at the hospital and I was getting ready to leave. That's when my friend Mindy joined me.

Mindy: You ready to go?

(Y/N): Yeah.

Mindy: I want to grab a coffee and you are coming.

She grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the hospital. When we got to the cafe we ordered two coffees and a newspaper. We sat down outside because it was a nice summer day.

Mindy: So any big plans this weekend?

(Y/N): No, You?

Mindy: Probably just gonna spend some time with my wife and baby. Really a young single such as yourself doesn't have any weekend plans? No special girl to take out?

(Y/N): No plans and no special lady. You know we spend most of our time at the hospital.

Mindy: Well you have some time off so go have fun.

(Y/N): What would I even do?

She looked back at the newspaper and pointed to something.

Mindy: This.

I grabbed the paper and the headline read "Celestia Comes to Town One Night Only". I continued reading "Celestia was quoted as saying tonight I will perform my greatest trick; it will be truly magical".

Mindy: You should go to the show. I know you love her shows. I have seen that picture of the two of you in your house.

(Y/N): First off I can't because her show has been sold out for weeks and I could try and get last minute tickets, but they would be like over thousand dollars. Second, that picture was taken five years ago and I haven't seen a show since because she never performed here again.

Mindy: That way I think you should try. This is like the biggest thing to happen around here.

(Y/N): I'll think about it.

We finished our coffees and she gave me a ride home. I said goodbye and started walking into my house and noticed something in the mailbox.

(Y/N): Weird the mail never comes this early.

I grabbed it and noticed it was a lone envole. It had nothing written on it except "(Y/N) open asap". I was a little worried opening it because it was hand delivered meaning whoever sent this knew where I lived. I went inside and opened the envelope. I noticed there was a folded piece of paper and a ticket to Celestia's show. The paper read

Yandere Females x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now