EP 30 Male Reader x Yandere Ghost

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I'm back with another story. I hope you enjoy it. Be sure to comment because in all honesty I enjoy reading them and you guys are pretty funny. Also can you believe that we are already at 30 chapters and almost 200k reads. Thank you to everyone who reads my stories, likes, and comments. You are all the best. I couldn't do it without you.

(Y/N)'s POV

I was at the gym running on the treadmill listening to music. My music stopped playing when my phone started going off.


I grabbed my phone to see it was my family's lawyer calling. I stepped off the treadmill almost whipping out because I failed to turn it off.

(Y/N): Hello.

Carel: Mr. (l/n), I am sorry to be the bearer of bad news but your father has passed away.

It was weird to be given that news and I know most people would be sad, however, I wasn't. My father bailed on my mother and me before I was born. He did pay for the house and sent us money. I never got any explanation for why he left though.

Carel: Hello, are you there?

(Y/N): I'm here. How did it happen?

Carel: It appears that your father committed suicide.

(Y/N): Oh. Did you inform my mother?

Carel: She's my next call. Also, don't worry about the funeral or anything. I will handle it. He will be buried along with your grandfather and great-grandfather.

(Y/N): I'm sorry, where are they buried? I was never told.

Carel: I can not share that information with you.

(Y/N): Why not?

Carel: It goes back to your grandfather who made the decision of where all men in the (l/n) line would be buried and for it to be kept private. While I have you there is one thing we must discuss.

(Y/N): Go on.

Carel: Your great-grandfather left a house in his will and it has been passed down each generation. It now belongs to you, but I must advise you to just pay the bills and never visit.

(Y/N): What?

Carel: It is what your father and grandfather did?

(Y/N): Why didn't they just sell it or destroy it if they didn't want it?

Carel: I can not speak to their motives.

(Y/N): You are really unhelpful.

Carel: Just heed my warning.

I hung up the phone and decided to pay my mom a visit. I went to the locker room to take a shower and change back into my regular clothes. Once I was done I drove two hours to my mother's house. When I got there I knocked on the door.


My mother opened the door.

Mom: Oh (y/n) my sweet boy. How are you?

(Y/N): I'm alright mom. How are you, did you hear from Carel?

Mom: I did.

(Y/N): And you're not upset?

Mom: Well are you?

(Y/N): I've never actually met him.

Mom: Sweetie, I only knew your father for a year before you were born.

Yandere Females x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now