EP 31 Male Reader x Yandere Alien

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Hey everyone thank you for getting this book to 200k reads. One question I have for all of you is who do you think is the hottest female character/s from movie, tv, anime, anything like that? Be sure to comment on the question or anything just comment in general because you all are pretty funny.

3rd Person POV; Year 2045: Planet Earth

A small group of ten astronauts were gathered in a small room when the president of the United States walked in with two secret service members.

President: Good afternoon, please take a seat.

Everyone took their seats as instructed.

President: Let's cut to the chase. You are ten of the best astronauts from around the world and you've been selected for a special mission. As you know global warming has become a problem we can no longer ignore and it is taking a toll on our planet. A small group of world leaders have come together to find a solution and one of the things we came up with was relocating to a new planet. This is why you are here. We are sending you to a new planet in the hope you can set up a foundation for the future of our race and possibly repopulate. Any questions so far?

(Y/N): Are you really trusting the entire human race to us?

President: Well no, relocating to a new planet is just one idea, however, when it comes to your mission each year after you leave we will be sending a ship with new people and more supplies.

Crew member #1: What planet are you sending us too?

President: Please consult your packets?

Crew member #6: We don't have packets.

One of the secret service agents opened their briefcase and handed us packets.

President: As you can see you will be sent to planet GLIESE 667CC. It's twenty two lightyears from earth. It does have some issues like it may orbit close enough to the red dwarf sun to be baked by solar flares, but possibly not.

All: WHAT!?!?!?!?

Crew member #4: Why send us to a planet like that?

President: Most other planets that can support human life are too many lightyears away, so we are going with the closer one.

Crew member #9: Even with our warp drive, that's still twenty two year in space on a ship. Well be too old to build a colony on a new world.

President: Flip to the next page and you will be put into cryosleep in order to prevent aging and you won't even realize that any time has passed once you entered your chamber. Now then your ship leaves in a few hours so I will leave you here while the final preparations are being made.

The president left and the crew members made small talk between themselves.

Crew member #5: Alright, I just wanna say something right off the bat there are five of us guys and five girls so when it comes to repopulating the earth I think we each just take a partner and then there are no fights later on. So who wants to be with me?

Crew member #8: Like anyone is going to pick their life partner right now and I see you looking at me. It's not gonna happen.

Some of the crew laughed at this.

(Y/N): Don't worry my friend, you'll find someone. I mean there are only ten of us.

The conversations continued for a while until an agent entered and brought them to a loading dock.

Agent: Time to get suited up and ready for cryosleep.

Once everyone was dressed and ready they were escorted onto the ship.

Yandere Females x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now