Angst Quote Starters

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"I-I-I'm tired of this!! I'm tired of it!!"

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"I-I-I'm tired of this!! I'm tired of it!!"


"For the love of whatever the hell it is you believe in, shut up."

"Medic- We-We need a medic!!"

"Please, please, don't, don't do this- Don't do this!"

"If you don't help me, they're going to die!"


"Get off of me, stop touching me, and go. Away."

"No. I'm not going to do it. Kill me, destroy me, I don't care, but I will never tell you where they are."

"It's okay, it's okay. I understand, I promise. Just do it, okay? Pick up the knife, stab me, and get out of here. Get help. I'll be okay."

"Don't touch that!-"

"What is happening??"

"No no no no, stop it, stop it!!"

"Give that back."

"Turn that off, please.."

"Shut up!"


"Just kill me, but leave them alone."

I don't think you understand me. If you don't follow what I'm telling you, people will die."

"It's fine, okay?? It's perfectly fine!"

"If-!.. If I can't figure this out, what use am I to the team??"

"Stop. Talking."

"If you say one more word that doesn't help this investigation and my teammate dies because of it, that will be blood on your hands."

"Let me handle this because if you do it, you're going to screw it up."

"I messed up, I messed up so badly, and they're all going to die because I messed up."

"Do you not understand me? Maybe Latin will work better, or German."


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