Chapter 2

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Sarah's P.O.V.

"Sarah, you've been out here ever since you got in from school, come in dear" Ms. Bridges told me, "yes ma'am" I said softly, holding my head down, "hold your head up!" she commanded,  lifting my head up, "For what?! No one loves me! I have nothing or nobody!" I yelled, running up to my shared room, throwing myself on my bed, crying.

"Harry was right, I'm nothing, I'm fat" I say out loud, grabbing a pack of crisps and start to eat them, only 20 minutes later, I throw them up in the bathroom, feeling my stomach emptying out of everything.

I grab my toothbrush and brush away the awful taste. I stopped binging after a few weeks before the bullying got worse but the more I was being called fat, the more I realized that me stopping, wasn't such a good idea, so now I binge after everything I eat.

"Say-Say?" I hear a young voice, startlingly me from my thoughts, "hey Lyrica" I say, giving her my best smile, "what do you need?" I ask, picking her up, and sitting on the counter.

" ok?" Lyrically, is a 6 year old, and she's been here all her life, she's always been attached to me, and since I'm the oldest, I help with the younger ones.

"Yea, I'm fine, let's het you some dinner, yeah?" I asked, tickling her sides, "ok", she said, laughing. Ms. Bridges, had everything all set, "everyone have homework?" I asked, eating Raman Noodles, while helping Lux, a 2 year old, and Rainy, a newborn.

"Me!" "I do!" "Can you help?" I heard different voices, by the names of Matt, Alex, and Jordin, "Whoa! Ok! Ok! I'll help you all, ok? Just like always!" I said, looking at the 30 faces, along with Ms. Bridges, who gave me a stern nod, and helped feed another newborn.

Harry's P.O.V.

I sat in my room, with Liam, Louis, Zayn, and Niall, playing video games, "He did not say that to her!" Zayn said, with his mouth hanging open, "yep" Niall said, blowing a breath out.

"Dude, that's harsh mate" Louis said, scrunching his face, "yeah, mate what we're you thinking?" Liam asked me, nudging my arm, "huh?" I asked, my thoughts removing themselves, "I asked, what we're you thinking? That's mean toward Sarah" "Oh God!Not her again, what's with yall? I said, what I said, now drop it!" I said, standing up in a huff.

"She gets bullied enough, she doesn't need your help Har" Zayn said, "I feel sorry for her, and I think maybe she's dealing with something or something might have happened to her, ya know? Maybe that's why she's like she is" Niall said, frowning" you mean her being fat?" I asked, laughing "No!You twat! Why she's quiet, she can't help the way she is and you shouldn't make it worse on her!" Niall said, hitting my arm.

"Hey Lads, it's getting late, we need to head out yeah?" Louis stated, we all got up and said our goodbyes. I mean, what's so special about her? I mean why's everyone riding my case about her? Great,I thought as now I wanted to find out about her as much as I possibly could...why? Cause you're intrigued and curious... my conscious answered. No way! Am I?

"Harry! Time for dinner!" My mom yelled. "Saved by the bell" I whispered, as I ran downstairs.

Sarah's P.O.V.

Ms. Bridges, for as long as I can remember has always been here. She raised me basically and I know she does it because it's her job and she could care less, but a part of me wants to believe that she cares for me, that she's concerned about my well being, but after throwing up and binging she never dis check on me, just Lyrica.

Lyrica, she's 6, she has light brown curly hair, and she has ocean blue eyes. She was left on the doorstep and I was 11, I remember carrying her in, what looked like a basket and showing Ms. Bridges, she said, "that makes number 12 go watch her" , so that ended up being my job since I was the old eat to watch and care for them, and "help" as she puts it, but I know it just means to be the "momma" they don't have.

Lux, she's 2 right now, she just celebrated a birthday, of course none of us even know when our birthday is, we just go ny the date we arrived here, and we celebrate, she sometimes calls me mommy cause  I'm all she knows,I don't mind cause I'm all they know because I give them baths, help with homework, feed them, pick them up from school, and putting them to bed.

She came because nobody wanted her, this precious little blonde headed girl, who had some teeth growing, I smile to myself.

I looked over at Matt, Alex, and Jordin, they're brother and sister triplets. I remember they came about the time of being 6 months old, I never saw their mom, but I heard her voice...


"Yes? Can I help you?" Ms. Bridges asked, "I can't do this anymore! I can't! Take them!" I heard a woman scream, as the door slammed shut.

"Sarah! Come help me with these kids!" "Yes ma'am!"  I said, as I tried to grab one of the carriers, and dragged it across the floor to my room.

*Flashback Ends*

I was 5 at the time barely old enough to help myself unlike the other 7 I had to help with.

I looked at them all as some was coloring, on burnt coloring pages, with one crayon, and some who were going to school, was finishing their homework, "Sarah, what's this word?" Matt asked me, I walked over to the bed and sat down and looked down at his book, "Oh, means, you know how we squeeze orange juice out of oranges, to get it out?" "uh huh?" "Well, it means to put pressure on something to get it out" I say, as he smiles as I rub his head. "thank you!" "No problem!"

After everyone was done with their homework, I gave the little ones a bath and helped with the newborns and got them to sleep, while the older ones go their baths and were lying down.

Once everyone was I their rooms and beds, I went to the bathroom, and threw up my dinner. I brushed my teeth and looked to make sure no one was up and went back to the room.

As for me, I don't know who put me here, or even how I got here. I just know the only adults I've ever met is Ms. Bridges and my teachers at school. I'm not sad anymore just curious, I couldn't tell you what my favorite color is, I keep my head. down most of the time and here, it's just gray and black, my favorite food I guess that would be noodles consider in that's all we eat.

I know my grades isn't the best but they're not the worst either, and that's good enough for me.

I know I've never had a boyfriend for obvious reasons, nobody from school has visited, and I wouldn't want them to, but it doesn't bother me, I rather be unnoticed and left alone, the less people in my life, the less heavy it becomes.

I sat on the floor rocking baby Rainy, humming her to sleep. I thought about how she came last month, in a box, because she didn't want to have a baby who cried, I remember hearing as I read the note.

I looked down and saw Rainy was sleep and I put her in the swing and lay down on the bed, and thought how did this happen?

Where was my mom and dad? What we're they doing?

Then my thoughts turned to someone I didn't thumbnails be possible, Harry Styles. Why am I thinking about him? Especially after what he said to me? Why would he say that? I asked myself over and over as I fell asleep, with tear stained cheeks.

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