Chapter 11

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Sarah's P.O.V.

Today's the day of meeting Harry! I'm excited, I wouldn't say I'm in love or like with him, but he's all the happiness, I've ever felt.

I smile as I think about what we might talk about or what we'll do at the park, I gently place Thomas back in his holder, and finish cleaning up the kitchen, and living room, "Alright guys, you got everything that you'll need right?" They shake their heads yes, before telling them to behave and giving kisses to each of them on the cheek, before I was out the door.

I arrived a little over 5 minutes early, I went to the swings and started to swing, at a normal pace, with a normal momentum, before closing my eyes and feeling the warm air with a slight chill across my face, I mean after it is the beginning of October.

I feel a pair of hands on the small of my back, pushing me to go higher, "Hi Harry" I say, still not opening my eyes. "How did you know it was me?" he questioned, as he slowed me down before stopping me, I turned around and said, "Because I only feel safe around you" I said, matter of factly.

Harry smiled the brightest smile, that would have put Twinkle Twinkle Little Star to shame, as I looked as his awestruck face, before he smiled at me and gave me a hug. His hugs feels like I'm safe, nothing can come and hurt me, they feel like...we'll home.

"What are you thinking about?" he asked me, as he lets his chin great on top of my head, "you make me feel safe" I say, not wanting to lie to him, "How do I make you feel safe?" he chuckled. "Because, your hugs feel like home" I say, before he raised my head up, to look at his emerald eyes, that was surrounded by little golden flakes.

"W-what do you mean?" he stuttered out. "In due time just give me time yeah? I ask, my eyes pleading for him to be patient, "okay" he said, as he let out a sigh.

"You don't want to do you?" I ask him, sensing his demeanor changing from caring to frustration. "Honestly, no I don't" he said, I nodded my head for him to continue, "I want to know more about you, Sarah but every time you let me get close, you shut me out" he said, inhaling and exhaling sharply.

I can tell he's frustrated, and I would be too, if I was in his situation.

But I feel he has to see it from my side, "Harry" I say, as I place my hand on top of his, "You have got to give me time. You have to understand my side as well, you're the only person I let into my life. Even after all the bullying and name calling, I'm still scared once you learn about me in my entirety, you'll go back and use it to your advantage against me, back to tour old self," I say, wiping away tears that ran down my cheeks, like the water droplets on the window pane.

I looked at him, and saw he was thinking deeply about what I've said, as he guided me to our meeting place at the bench under the weeping willow tree, I sat down with him before he spoke, "Sarah" he breathed out, before giving me a kiss on the forehead! I slightly gasp, "You're right whenever you're ready, I'm ready" he said, as he leaned his forehead against mine, interlocking our fingers together.

I know we sat there for a while, as I laid my head against his shoulders, "What time is it?" I ask, starting to become sad, "1:35PM, why?" he asked me, "I just have to be back before 2" I said, before getting up as he leans into me to give him a hug before I let go, I smile before running towards the orphanage.

"Wait! Would you like to come to my house?!" I yell, she smiled before she nodded.

Harry's P.O.V.

And just like that she was gone. I can't believe I kissed her on the forehead! I walked back to my black Monte Carlo as I rubbed my fingers over my lips; it was like I could still feel her ya know?

I smile as I start my car and backed yup heading down the road, I turn thinking I see Sarah, walking down the road but as I get closer I see the woman going in the Holmes Chapel Orphan Home, nope that definitely wouldn't be Sarah, even if she had the same black beanie, and ripped white pants as her.

I turned off and turn down the next street over before parking my car at the house, I get out, lock my doors before I unlock the front door, "Mom? Dad?" I yell through the house before hearing my mother's voice, saying" in the kitchen!"

I headed that way, with the same smile that's been on my face, ever since the park. "Well, I did it Mum, Sarah will be here next weekend!" I first pump the air, before I was consumed in a bone crushing hug.

"M-Mum I can't breathe!" I struggle to say, "Oh sorry honey I just get excited" she says, I chuckle, "yeah, we also had a talk and you were right, she'll talk to me when she's ready" I say, "Uh huh, she told you the same thing I tried to tell you" she said, laughing.

"Yeah, I know I just want everything to be perfect and wonderful" I say, "Looks like your on the right track" I hear my mum say as she kisses my cheek, while I help her make dinner.

After dinner,  I look at my phone 10:00PM I head upstairs and lay looking at the ceiling thinking about Sarah, do I really see myself in a relationship with her? 'Yes'. I grabbed my phone and opened my text messages, and find the group I'm looking for:

Louis; Zayn; Niall; Liam

I met with Sarah today and I'm the happiest I've ever been!-H

I receive messages just as quick:

Louis: What happened?

Zayn: Aww, our boy's growing up!

Niall: Spill it man!

Liam: Bout time! Lol!

Louis; Zayn; Niall; Liam

Sorry but I don't kiss and tell-H

I cut my phone on silent and turn over waiting to dream about my girl.

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