Chapter 21

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Sarah's P.O.V.

Harry Styles is my boyfriend! Finally my prayers were answered! I used to pray that Harry would see me, not as someone broken, but somebody that he could actually love, and he does!

It's been a couple of weeks, and of course they've been filled with kisses, sweet nothings, dates, and holding hands, we announced we were together on Thanksgiving day with all of Harry's family and turns out they're excited and happy, but like I said, if there's something right going on, there's bound to be something wrong around the corner. Now don't get me wrong, everyone has been supportive and happy, I didn't know that so many people knew who I was, but of course there was Saylor.

Harry's phone has been ringing ever since our first date together and it does bother me, but at the same time do I say something? What if Harry thinks I'm starting to be a nag and then doesn't want to go out with me? No, there's no way he could he loves me and he's the only person that has told me this, he wouldn't be mad...would he? But still at the same time I know Harry loves me, he says it and uses actions every day, just like they say, 'Actions speak louder than words', but I can't help but think she has something to do with it.

"Haz, who's that, that keeps calling?" I ask hesitantly, I still get flashbacks of asking questions and getting beat, I shuddered at the memories, "you ok love?" Harry asked, kissing the back of my hand, as we walked through school toward Science.

"Just Saylor" he replied, shrugging his shoulders as if it were nothing, "What does she want?" I asked, "To hang out, but before you say anything, no I'm not going to," he said, sensing my next question as well as being a little on edge, he gave me a kiss on the cheek, to assure me, but it didn't help, we walked into Science and there was Saylor.

"Hi Harry!" Saylor said, as she approached him, "hey" he said, as he led me to my seat which was in front of his, "Oh, I still see your dating the freak show" she sneered, "She has a name I suggest you use it." Harry growled, I smiled, that's my baby! "C'mon Harry!" Saylor yelled, drawing attention from the whole class to ourselves, I sunk in my seat, "What?!" "You can't possibly tell me you're in love with this!" She points her fingers at me, "She's huge, and she looks like a black hole!" She yells, I cover my face out of sheer embarrassment, I glimpse at Harry, and he's boiling mad!

I could tell Harry has had just about enough and its only a matter of time before he puts her in her place, I just hope everybody's out of harm way." That's it! You will not call my Sarah, my girlfriend, a black hole! She's beautiful, she's just the right size, and I love her, and I'm gonna keep loving her! I don't have to prove anything to you about my relationship, you're just mad because the only thing people used you for was a one night thing!" Harry yelled, getting her face, I grabbed Harry's arm along with Liam pushing him back.

"Just wait Sarah, he's a player, he said he loved me, and that he couldn't get me out of his head or his heart!" 'Wait, how did she know that? Unless he's said the same thing to her? Harry walks out of class and me along with him, but what she said and stills ring in my head. Has he said it before? Does he just want to use me? Am I a joke to him?

"Babe?" Harry said, pulling me from my thoughts wrapping up in his familiar arms, "Hmmm?" "I'm sorry about her, she's jealous and don't have a brain to think with, she has no right to be talking to you or about you! Ugh! What did I ever see in her?"

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