Chapter 19

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Harry's P.O.V.

 Since Sarah and I have admitted that we like each other, I have been over the moon with happiness. We've been closer and I'm excited today is our last day before Thanksgiving break and I get to spend it with Sarah.

When we walk together, girls make comments and are jealous, but she doesn't seem to care or even be fazed by it, word has somehow spread that she's an orphan but she really doesn't care, she has a family now, she has us, she had me.

Saylor on the other hand has been making more comments than anybody. She says she wants to meet up, but something doesn't feel right about it, but she keeps asking me and I keep denying. I want to ask Sarah to be mine but being how everything is a little crazy right now, I'll wait. It's the last bell about to ring as Ms. Helm says "Have a great Thanksgiving!" just when the bell sounds, I grab Sarah's hand and we're out the door, she giggles as she tells me to slow down, but I laugh as I run with her to my car.

We're both out of breath but all smiles as we get in the car, I start the car up as my hand automatically reaches for hers, and I squeeze her hand as she squeezes mine in return. "Are you excited about Thanksgiving?" I ask out of curiosity, "I am, I'm excited to be surrounded by family and the lads, as well as being with you" she said, smiling. 'That smile of hers' I thought to myself as I lifted her hand up and kissed the back of it. "If it helps I'm excited that you're gonna be there as well" I said, blushing slightly.

We pulled up in the driveway, I turned off the car and ran to her side before opening her door out and helping her out before closing and locking the door, I see another car parked and realize that Ms. Burks is here, "Looks like Ms. Burks is here" I said to her as she looked at the car and back at me before nodding, sure enough we opened the door and there was my mum and Ms. Burks talking.

"Oh hello Sarah, Harry" Anne said, as she smiled, "Hi Anne, Ms. Burks" she said, as I gave my mum a kiss on the cheek, "Hey Sarah and Harry. Sarah can I talk to you for a few?" I let go of her hand unwillingly as they stepped outside, closing the door.

Sarah's P.O.V.

"How's everything going?" Ms. Burks asked me, as we sat on the steps, in the mild coldness, brushed around me, "Its good, since being out of there a lot of good things has came my way, and I'm happy for once" I said, beaming "That's great, I see Harry and you have become closer than the last time I've seen you" she said, as she nudged me playfully, "Yeah, um last week he told me he likes me and that he couldn't get me out of his head or his heart!" I said, excited letting out a sigh, "And what did you tell him?" she asked, "I told him I liked him to" I said, a blush appearing on my face.

"Aww, so that means you guys are dating?" she asked, I shook my head as she frowned, "Why not?" I shrugged my shoulders, "I think it's because we don't want to mess up the friendship for one I know he might not know how to handle it as well ya know with everything going on, he might be waiting but then again he might think he'll mess up in some way but I think coming from my thoughts that I've never been in this situation so I don't know the "dos and donts" of a relationship ya know?" I said, rubbing my face.

"Sarah" she said as she placed her hand on my shoulder, "No one does, it's about what your heart tells you not your mind" she said as she gave my shoulder a gentle squeeze, I nodded my head "also we have it made to have you stay here with the Styles' since you're gonna be 18 next year and you'll have a home to go to, it was all Anne and Des' idea" she said, I was in shock! Me live here and not have to worry about if they wanted me here?! Everything seems to be coming along great with everyday, and everything was going in the right direction.

"Well I best be off, I have work to do" she said, standing, "Thank you so much" I said, as I gave her a hug, "hey it's my job besides, since I'm the head of social services as well as the CEO of it I have ropes I can pull for ya love anytime whatever you need, let me know" she said, as she walked down the driveway.

I stepped back in the house and when I didn't see anyone downstairs, I immediately went for Harry's bedroom, I opened the door and laid down on the bed, Lux and Lyrica went with Niall and Liam to get ice cream and play at the park, along with the others of course. I was happy that the lads loved them and treated them just like I would. "Tired?" I heard Harry emerge from his closet, "No just thinking" I said, with my eyes closed, "About?" Harry asked as the bed dip letting me know he was laying next to me, "Ms.Burks said that I can stay here because it was Anne and Des' idea and that she's the head of social services as well the CEO and that if I needed anything to just say the word" I say as I turn and was met by emerald eyes looking at me.

"That's great love!" he exclaimed as he kissed the corner of my mouth, briefly. I sucked in a breath; he wrapped his arms around me as we laid there in a comfortable silence.

This feels right; this feels like home, just love in general. While in reality we know that if everything goes right, there's always something to go wrong, and well what's to come for me has never rung truer.

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