Chapter 15

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Harry's P.O.V.

Today is the day Sarah comes to my house for the first time. I know I'm supposed to be nervous , but from the way Sarah is acting, I think she's more nervous than I am.

She hasn't said even two words and when I ask her something I get either a "huh?" or "hmm?" I don't know what she could be thinning about, that has her so distant in thought.

I should be more nervous than anyone. Today's also the day of our project,  and I'm nervous she's gonna think worse about me, and think I'm going back to my old ways of bullying.

I was so stupid to write it, and this proves it. I should've known that this was going to happen, I couldn't just erase it and put something else. Everyone knew at the time I wasn't in to her and it would also be the easy way out, and I couldn't do that.

I breathed out a sigh as I hear Sarah's and my name come up. "Alright here goes nothing" I mumbled under my breath. We both walked to the front of the class and I feel sick as my hands start to tremble and sweat.

I look at Sarah as she glances up at me, still not being comfortable with holding her head up, as she puts it back down. "She's beautiful" I think to myself as I smile to myself. "Okay class, it's time for Sarah and Harry's turn" she said, calming the class down. 'Sarah, go ahead with your before and after. Then explain why you said what you said" Ms. Helm explained "ok" she said, lowly, "m-my before when I first met Harry; I wrote at first 'Ungrateful, Selfish, and Mean'".

I hear a lot of "ooh's" and laughter as I put my head down, feeling my curls drop in front of my face. I know how she felt when I bullied her in front of the class now; embarrassed as well as humiliated. "But I knew that couldn't be true, he's not that kind of guy so I put what I knew was the truth, 'Caring, Considerate, Thoughtful, and Nice'' she said as she smiled at me.

I felt my heart swell, even when I was wrong in bullying her, she still thought of me and saw the real me. "Wow" was all I could say, as I looked at her with loving eyes. "And why did you pick those as your before?" Ms. Helm asked, "Even when he bullied me and made fun of me, he never went as far as the others did, and that let me know he considerate, not cruel and I feel as those that's enough and I don't need an after to you what I already know" she said, as she put that beautiful smile back on her face.

I smiled, it was soon erased hearing Ms. Helm say I was next, "Harry go ahead with your before" Ms. Helm said, "ok, for my before, it's not the best, so please no comments" I said, looking around the room before continuing "My before when I was first put with Sarah, 'Quiet, Fat, and Secretive"' I let the words, fall off my tongue like dead weights.

I was scared to see her face, I knew she already didn't like hearing it, and I knew her face wouldn't match her disappointment. But as I looked up, I was proven wrong, she smiled and later I'll have to ask why. "Oh Harry" Ms. Helm said before asking what my after was, "I wrote my before because I didn't take the time to hang out with Sarah to see who she is and now that I have, here's my after 'Wonderful, Shy, beautiful, and Lovable'" I said, smiling at her.

My heart leaped in my chest, as she smiled at me as well, "You're wonderful" I said in her ear, as her cheeks flushed red. "Alright! Great Job1" Ms. Helm said, excitedly.

~End Of The Day~

"Hey Sarah! You ready to go?" I asked her as we walked to my car, "mmhmm" she said, as I opened her car door for her as she got in and closed it. I jogged to the other side of the car, I got in and started it as I backed out and headed toward the road.

Sarah's been quiet, almost like something is on her mind, it's been a few minutes and I needed to ask "Sarah?" "Hmm?' "Um, back at school how come you weren't mad about what I said?" I asked, hesitantly.

She didn't answer right away, instead she looked up and gave me a smile and said "That was you then, and this is you now" she gave an encouraging squeeze on my hand before letting go, too soon for my liking.

We passed by the Holmes Chapel Orphanage and Sarah seemed to get nervous, I wondered and pondered, but couldn't figure it out , so I shrugged it off thinking it's probably me imagining things.

We pulled up to my house as Sarah's eyes grew wide "Wow" was all Sarah could  said, as I got her bags and opened her car door. It's not that fancy just a brick mansion with cobblestone.

"Sarah why do you have so many bags?" I struggled to say, as I opened the door, "I'll tell you later" she said, her smile fading into what I could see was sadness.

I shrugged my shoulders as I heard mom in the kitchen" Mom!" "In here dear!" she called back, I set the bags down in the hall closet before walking into the kitchen, holding Sarah's hand in tow, "Mom I'd like you to meet Sarah, Sarah this is my mom Anne" I smiled at the fact the two most important women in my life were meeting face to face.

Sarah stepped out from behind me, looking shy as she stuck her hand out" oh no dear we give hugs" she said, as she pulled her in for one of Mom's famous 'Styles Hugs'.

"So you're the famous Sarah my sons been talking nonstop about?" she asked, as Sarah just nodded, "I'm glad to meet you, Mrs. Styles" Sarah said her voice being shy, "Mrs. Styles? No call me Anne or Mom, which ever way works. I'm glad to meet you too!" she smiled at the both of us.

Sarah's P.O.V.

Mom. She said I could call her mom? The very thought, I've never said that or called someone by that name. That's when I knew this was genuine, that this is what its all about, love.

I felt my heart burst and I started to cry, for the very first time, Harry was immediately by my side as he walked me up the steps to his room. He held me in his arms after me crying for what seemed like years. In that moment I felt all of my life, the things I held on to, the things I was told, even the people who could have helped me but didnt. I let it go in those tears.

I wiped my face as I looked at Harry, he brushed a single tear off my face with his thumb. "Wanna tell me why you're crying, love?" "I've never called someone Mom before" I said, looking down at the blue carpet.

"What do you mean? Of course you have" Harry said, "Not really Harry" I said "I've never called anyone mom before, because I don't have one" I said, looking in his eyes as they grow big.

"Sarah" he said, his voice no bigger than a whisper, "what are you saying?"

"What I'm saying is...I'm an orphan."

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