Chapter 40

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Sarah's P.O.V.

We decided on having Harry's party today which is Friday since we started back to school, he knows we have something special planned for him, and since it is a surprise, we also decided to go out with a bang, as all the party decorations are up with his favorite color, orange and blue, and everyone is here, in the light room, waiting for Harry and since he is a very clever guy I couldn't do the obvious and put the party in the party room so I had to throw him off the trail with the light room or reading room for the ones that doesn't know.

"Ok everybody I'm going to go get Hazza," I said as I walked out, "Hey Babe! Happy Birthday" I said, as he was in the kitchen "Hey Love, thank you" he said, as he gave me a kiss, "Where is everyone? I thought we were going to watch movies for my birthday?" he asked, "I don't know but come with me I want to show you something" I said, pulling on his arm, he gets up following me as we went down the hall to the light room, "Babe what did you want to show mw?" Harry asked, with a confused look on his face, "You'll see" I say, coming behind him and putting a blindfold on his eyes. "What are you doing?" he asked, chuckling, "Just hold on" I said, opening the door, "It's in here" I say, leading him,


"Happy Birthday Harry!" everyone shouted, "What?!" he asked, breathlessly, everyone came up to him giving him a hug, even Ed was there, "Thank you everyone but how did you guys even do this? I thought you guys forgot" he said, "It was Sarah, she gave the idea, and we just ran with it, and besides we couldn't forget your birthday lad, we love you!" Louis said, as he gave Harry a brotherly hug.

Harry turned to me as I looked up into his eyes, "I love you" Harry said, before closing the gap between us , his lips captured mine as I wrapped my arms around his neck and his around my waist, I smiled into the kiss as he held me tighter before releasing my lips, "Thank you Beautiful you amaze me" he said, I smiled and blushed as he kept his arm around me. "You deserve it" I say.

As the party continued and Harry celebrating and me watching Harry open his gifts, "Babe, where's Christian and De'Lovely at? I haven't seen them at all" he said, looking around, "Oh, Christian called and said De'Lovely wasn't feeling good but they did send this" I said, handing him a box wrapped in black and white paper, "Aww, tell them thanks and I hope she feels better" Harry says, as he opens the box, "Are you serious?!" I watch him pull out Green Bay Packers gear, "This is so awesome!" he said, while showing me "Yeah it is Haz" I said, laughing as the party went on, the surprise I have for Harry keeps me anticipating, nervous for what's to come. So many things I'm not prepared for this and wonder if I can do this, or even try it but I love Harry and I feel it's time to give myself to him, I'm ready to love him fully and give him who I am. As I see the guests start to leave after 3 hours of partying, I go toward the bedroom and change I go to the closet and find one of Harry's shirts; he says I look good in his clothes, so why not wear it?

As I get to the bed, I start to fix it, I don't know what to do, I can only do what I think is best, and that's me being here, waiting on him, because it's always been just me and that's the way it's going to be. "Ok and thank you again for coming lads!" I hear Harry say as he closes the front door, I hear his black converse clad feet come up the steps as he opens the door.

"Sarah what a-. "

Harry's P.O.V.

I stood there in complete shock, when I opened the door, I didn't expect to find Sarah in my t-shirt, with the lights a little dimmed, "Princess, what's this?" I asked, looking her up and down, she looks good in my clothes "Well" she said, as she got up, "I love you and I wanted to give you something special, something that no one has, that's the original and nothing like it" "What is it?" "Me" she said, with a smile on her face, "You mean...?" I trailed off, could she mean what I think she means, is she ready for this? Am I ready for this? Sarah's delicate and I don't want her to say she is, when she actually isn't. "Yes, I mean giving myself to you" she said, "Are you sure? I mean absolutely positive, because I want you to think about it" I said, "I'm sure and I'm ready for you to love me" she said, that took me by surprise, I've never had anyone to say that and mean it, well of course not since all the girls just hit and quit it like me.

"You always say you love me just as I am, so I figured what better way to say it than wear your shirt and it just be me" she said, shrugging her shoulders. I stepped closer to her, "You know you're right, I don't want it any other way, you're all the person I need to make this romantic" I answered, as I kissed her lips. This kiss felt as though I kissed a searing piece of metal, this was different than I've ever felt, as I gently laid her on the bed.

I think I love this Sarah, the shy, but still confident girl that lays under me, "You ready?" I asked, as my shirt comes off, she nodded her head as she whispered, "Happy Birthday Hazza, be gentle with me" as I leaned in for another kiss, knowing that tonight, was the night of newfound love.

Sarah gave me the best gift, herself.

And I couldn't be anymore grateful.

Happy Birthday to me.

De'Lovely's P.O.V.

I feel bad that I couldn't go to Harry's birthday party but I know he's gonna love his gift from us, Christian's been gone for 2 days now and he doesn't get in till this afternoon, since the doctor's appointment everything has been great except my stomach has been hurting like crazy! I've never had any problems, even sitting or standing is aching my stomach, I've been taking half an aspirin to relieve some of the pain but it doesn't work so I do the next best thing: sleeping on my side because my stomach won't even allow me to rest comfortably.

I guess it's a good thing, while I lay here I've been thinking of ways to show Christian I love and appreciate him and I have the idea that's going to knock him off his feet! I quickly reach for my phone as I start to type my ideas and what I'm going to need for it.

I feel in love with Christian, not because he's Christian Keyes the actor, producer, writer and singer, no; I didn't fall for him because he has money, I have my own if not more, no; I fell in love with him the moment he made me feel safe, the moment he understood that I'm not the most perfect person, and how I have to prove myself daily that I can be a success in life as well as my relationships. Christian makes me feel like can't nothing hurt me, that I can talk to him about any and everything. When things were hard and I thought 'Ok, I'm giving up' he was my rock that I could lean on and he wouldn't move or break. He helped me through my pain, hurt and yes even anger, I love him because he's a man that does what he does , a man that takes his share if not more of the load, we call relationship, and goes above and beyond for me.

I start to fall asleep as I dream about a superhero that saved this woman when she was in need of someone, as the dream goes on the woman turns out to be me and the superhero, well is Christian, the man I love my best friend. I rub my stomach "And I love you too", I whispered as sleep took a full notice.

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