Chapter 17

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Sarah's P.O.V.

We spoke to Harry's mom that same night, she said that I'm welcomed to stay with them as well as Lux and Lyrica. She's been on the phone seems like half the night. I know Ms. Burks will be dropping Lux and Lyrica off as well as checking in on me, seeing how I'm coping with everything.

Harry has been distant, he hasn't really talked to me as much as I would like but I can understand this is a lot to take in, and everything is happening so fast, but I can't help but feel it still hurts to think that right now, when I need him, he stays away.

Even when I get close to him, he just scoots away or gets up to leave I'm starting to fear that once he sees the orphanage in the morning, it's really going to scare him off.

I hear a knock at the door, as Anne walks to open "Hi Mrs. Styles, I'm Ms. Burks, the one you spoke on the phone with" she said, "Oh yes! Please come in!" she said, stepping aside, "Say-Say!" Lyrica said, running to me as I hug her dearly, "Hey Baby Girl! I missed you!" I said, tears running down my face "I missed you too!" "Mommy! Mommy!" Lux said, running the best she could to me.

I embrace her in a hug as well "Hi Sweetie! I missed you!" I heard her start to cry "what's wrong love?" "Mommy went away!" she said, starting to ball harder, as I picked her up walking to the stairs, Lyrica following as well as Harry. I opened his door, and sit on the bed, trying to get Lux to calm down.

"Shh, its okay, I didn't leave ok? I'm right here; we had to make sure you guys were safe, yeah?" I said, stroking her hair, and wiping her eyes, as Lyrica went to play around in Harry's room. After 20 minutes she calms down, and falls asleep, as Lyrica already has. I lay them both on the air mattress, which Anne so graciously provided for us, "mommy?" I hear a faint whisper; I turned toward the voice to see Harry's face flushed, "What?" "She called you mommy! Are you her mother?" Harry asked, a look of hurt mixed with betrayal crossed his face, "No, she just calls me that. I'm all they know" I said, shrugging my shoulders "Oh" he said, hanging his head.

"Look Harry, I understand this is a lot for you to take in, but you wanted to be my friend, and this is what comes with the territory. But if you want to back out, then go ahead, I've survived this long without friends, losing one won't matter" I said, Harry stood there in shock, I shook my head before leaving out the door, only to feel Harry grab my hands, our fingers automatically interlocking with one another.

As he placed his forehead on mine, he let out a shaky breath, "Sarah you're right, this is overwhelming for me, I've never been in this situation before, and it scares me to not know what to do or how to go about these things, but I'm not leaving you; I'm sorry about ignoring you, I was scared that I would say something stupid or do something stupid, in which in this case I've already have, it was wrong and I'm not letting you go, I don't care what you may come with, girls like you are hard to come by and are very rare, I'm staying! Can you forgive me?" he asked me, I smile as I look up at him, "Always" I whispered, he smiled the biggest smile before leaning toward my lips, as he came close I lowered my head to feel his lips kiss my forehead.

"Let's go downstairs, they'll be fine up here" I said, as we walked downstairs, hearing Ms. Burks and Anne talking amongst themselves. "Oh, Sarah" Ms. Burks said, as I sat on the couch with Harry beside me, "yes?" "Tomorrow when you need to get the triplets , as well as Rainy and Thomas, as for right now they're in good hands and being taken care of, but we feel that since they know you better than anyone, that you need to stick together, instead of being split up Ok?" "Yes ma'am! Can Harry help me?" "Of course, and you did get all their stuff right?" "Yes ma'am but it wouldn't hurt to look and make sure" "Okay good because we've investigated everything from top to bottom and what we found out and dug up is not going to be pretty" Ms. Burls said, as she got up to leave, "Remember be ready about 7:00 AM, it'll be better that way" Ms. Burks said as she gave us a smile as Anne closed the door.

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