Chapter 31

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Sarah's P.O.V.

I wake up in the middle of the night and noticed Harry wasn't in bed, so I went to investigate, I guess you could say, I decided to get up and see if everyone was still up, it was around 11:30 at night so I figured someone must be up, I see Niall and Zayn are as well as De'Lovely and I see Harry talking "Hey guys" I said, making myself known "Hey Sarah" I hear back, I set myself down beside Harry leaning up against the couch, sometimes I feel I get too clingy and that he needs space, I shake my head of those thought as I see De'Lovely smiling at me.

I return the gesture, as she begins to talk "Sarah you know I would never do anything to hurt you right? I mean I was young and I tried to protect you the best way I know how" she said, tears welling up inside her eyes , "I understand now, you did do the right thing, because if you didn't look at the children that wouldn't have gotten a family, look at the family I'm placed in, look at Harry the one I would have never fallen in love with , all of this was God's plan and you were the tool!" I said, as I wiped my tears, "you did right and I thank you now stop apologizing all is forgiven, can you forgive me as well for the way I acted?" I asked, she smiled "Of course."

"But I do have a question, what's my middle and last name?" I asked, I've been wanting to know since I started school, I've always just been called Sarah, so this is a new big step for me, "Your middle name is Danielle" I smiled, that's pretty, "and your last name is Burks" she said, "Hmm, Sarah Danielle Burks" I said, "I like Styles better" I hear Harry I blushed immediately, "Touché Harry" De'Lovely said.

 "So how did you guys meet?" Harry asked, pointing to De'Lovely and Christian, that surprised me, and by the looks of their faces, I could tell it surprised them as well, "Well, I mean if you're Sarah's family, you're ours as well" Harry said, smiling "De'Lovely smiled before answering, "Well I was doing a photo shoot modeling at the time to save enough money to have my own Social Service Office, because my drive to find Sarah and look after was the only important matter" she said, I smiled, "And while I was coming out the door, I bumped into this man by the name of Jeff Lam, and he was the co-producer of "Note To Self" that C was playing in as well being the executive producer and directing, and to move a long story short he introduced us, we fell in love, and here we are 3 years later engaged and soon to be married in about 5 months time." She said looking at Christian lovingly.

"And of course we've had ups and downs but I would rather have the ups and downs with her, than not have them and let her fall." Christian spoke up smiling I smiled at that, nobody was ever there to teach me things, if they were they were teaching me the wrong things of Life, not that I ever asked, I looked around seeing Zayn and Niall fell asleep on opposite sides of the couch, "Well good people I hate to leave good company but we best be getting to bed Lovely" Christian said, she nodded her head yes before hugging us both and saying goodnight while going up the stairs.

We said our goodnights back before I asked, "Hey Harry? Why weren't you in bed?" "Oh just couldn't sleep I guess" he shrugged, "Oh, well you coulda just woke me up" I say, "Princess, it's fine we don't always have to be around each other , ya know?" Ouch, "What's that supposed to mean?" I asked.

"I mean w don't have to cling to each other and be clingy to one another" he looked at me, I frowned, "Funny you should say this, especially what happened a few hours ago" I said, smartly as I get up, "Where you going?" Harry asked me, "To bed. It's like you said we don't always have to cling to each other" I said, as I went upstairs and slammed the door.

Yeah, what a Merry Christmas this turned out to be. I can't believe those words came out of his mouth, I mean sure we spend every day together and yeah of course I love him, but you don't hear me say hurtful things to him. I can't understand how a simple question set him off like that. Surprisingly I don't feel like crying, I can't say about tomorrow or the next day but right now I don't feel sad, I feel angry and hurt; I hear a knock at the door. "Babe can I come in?" Harry asked through the door, "No remember we don't have to be clingy, you don't like that" I said, as I sit on the bed, "Babe you know what I meant" "No I don't know Harry now goodnight" I say and shut the light off.

If he wants forgiveness he got another thing coming he needs to understand think before you speak.

Harry's P.O.V.

Dumb? Stupid? Moron? All these names and many others apply to me I know I know I shouldn't of said it, I just kinda wanted some breathing room, you know just to ease up, but now that I'm here in the living room with no one to hold and not being held, I wish she was as close to me as my next blink. God how am I going to fix this? Could I be any more selfish? I mean now Sarah's gonna think that I just don't want to be around her at all, and that's the furthest from my mind, ugh girls are right; boys ARE stupid.

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