Chapter Eight

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Sarah's P.O.V.

I get up around 7 so I can get everyone up and dressed so Ms. Bridges won't be upset. I know she won't be getting up until at least around 4 since it's the weekend and I can get my work done without her being in the way.

I get my shower first and do my hair in ponytail, once I get my hygiene out of the way I get my little ones up and get their baths, since it's the weekend I let bot of the girls wear their blue jeans jumpers and I put their hair in a bun.

I get their breakfast of Raman Noodles cooked and as their eating I go ahead and have Alex, Matt, and Jordin get their baths and get their weekend clothes on,while I changed Rainy as she starts to coo, "yeah baby girl good morning to you too!" I smile at her and I hear Thomas start to squirm in his holder.

"Hold on there Tom-Tom, I hear ya" I smile at him and laugh at his anxiousness. After I get her changed I carry her down and place her in the holder, while I go back and get Thomas changed, he starts to coo at me, "Aww, I hear you baby boy. Rainy and you must be having a great morning" I say, laughing.

I take him downstairs and sit him in his holder next to Rainy and get their bottles. I check them to sure they were warm and I get both bottles and reached down to get Thomas and. start to feed from first, I look at the time and see it's 9 in the morning.

Good I thought to myself I still have enough time, as I finish feeding Thomas the triplets come downstairs.  "Good Morning Loves, breakfast is all ready" I say as they mumbled their good mornings and grabbed their bowls to eat their breakfast. I reached down and put Thomas down as I bumped him, after I get him buckled I pick up Rainy and start to feed her, just then I heard the door open and saw Ms. Bridges come through the kitchen.

"Good you got them up" she mumbled "yes ma'am I was wondering..." I said, hesitantly, "what is it girl?" she asked. annoyed already, "Can I go hang out with my partner from school?" I asked "What time? And how long will you be gone?" she asked, "Um, I leave at 11 and I can be back ny 2?" I asked, hoping she would let me.

"I don't care and you better be back, or else" she said, with venom dripping from her." Yes ma'am" and with that she left the room and she slammed the door. I let go of a breath that I didn't know I was holding. I looked at my babies as they started to be sad, "Aww, guys I'll be back before you know it yeah?" I say, as I give them a kiss on the forehead each before I finished burping Rainy and placed her back in the holder.

"Okay Matt, Jordin, and Alex I'm gonna need you guys to watch them for me ok?" "Sure Sarah we will" I could see and hear the smiles in their voices as I start doing the dishes. "Ok abd Lyrica and be good girls and listen ok?" I told them" ok" I hear Lyrica" Kay Kay Mommy" I hear Lux.

"Good girls now once I leave make sure that you get another bottle ready for the babies ok? Cause they'll want one around 12:30 ok?" I said as I made sure everything in the kitchen was cleaned up.

"Okay have fun Say-Say" "I'll try" I say as I went out of the door and said a silent prayer for them as I started to walk to the park.

Harry's P.O.V.

I get to the park at little over 5 minutes because I was anxious, I wonder what we'll talk about or what we'll do? Will she even come? I wouldn't blame her if she didnt, I'm grateful that she even gave me a chance.

I sit on the swings looking down until I saw a pair of white and black converse, I raised my head up and squeeze her standing there, smiling at me. "Hey" I breathed out as I got up and gave her a hug, she smelled amazing, like a summer breeze.

She looked amazing with her hair down with her beanie, with a black long sleeve shirt, with white ripped pants. She looked hot! "Hey Harry" she said, as she released me from the hug, I was reluctant to let go because it felt right.

I watched as she sat on the other swing beside me, we rocked back and forth using our feet. "So what do you think about our project?" I asked, not knowing what else to say, "it's good I guess, I already got my before and after done." She said, "really? So do I" I laugh a litttle, "yeah I was a little scared when she said that me and you were partners" she admitted with her head down.

"Really? I'm sorry I know I didn't react the right way" I said, looking at her "it's ok I don't hold grudges, there's no point in them" she said, smiling. I get up and go behind her and start to push her" Wait! Wait Harry!" she said, laughing as I pushed her higher, "Nuh-uh swing beautiful"I yelled as I started to laugh at how much fun she was having.

Who knew that I would be doing this in a week's time, I don't regret any of it except that is should have done this sooner, then I wouldn't of lost time. I pushed her for a few more times, before asking her if she wants to get out she nods her head but before I stop the swing she jumps out and lands on her butt.

"Oh my gosh Sarah are you okay?!" I run to her only to find her laughing as she gets up and dusts herself off, "Sure, but thanks for the concern" she says, as we start walking on a trail. "You amaze me" I said, speaking my thoughts put lots."How so?" she laughs, "You're not like any other girls, most girls I'm with, they would want me to push slow and they definitely wouldn't have jumped out of the swing in mid air" I say nudging her a little bit.

"Well I'm not like most girls, I definitely love getting dirty and most people think I'm a freak because I don't talk or I walk with my head down a lot only because I don't like attention" she says looking at her converse.

"Well I think you're wonderful and you shouldn't hide that pretty face of yours" I say, she smiles as I see her blush. "Hey Harry, what time is it?" she asks, I get my phone out" it's 12:30 why?" "umm, I gotta be back before 2" she said.

"Oh, how come at school I don't see you in the mornings? Or that you leave during class?" I know I'm prying but I'm curious to know, "oh well I'm around" was all she said. I left it at that for now only because I didn't want to push her into asking something she didn't want to.

We cam to a bench under a wrapping willow tree and we sat there, a cold breeze cane through and I saw Sarah shiver, "you cold?" she shook her head yes, "Come here" I said, opening my arms to her, she scooted close to me hesitantly and came into my embrace eventually and laid her head on my shoulder.

I admit this feels natural, to be this close to want to protect her from the world. I haven't even told my parents about her yet but I will when I ask Sarah to my house maybe when we get a little further into our relationship.

I heard her let out a sigh, she's beautiful and I can't wait to learn everything about this girl, which comes to think of it,"Sarah?" "yes?" "I know I'm asking a lit if questions but where do you live? So I can visit?" I asked, it took her a few minutes before she answered, "It'll just be best if we can meet here" she said.

I knew she was hiding something and to be honest I didn't care enough to find out about it, she was with me abd I was with her and that's all that matters. "Harry what time is it?" she asked, sleepily" it's 1:45" wow, where did the time go? "oh I gotta go" she said sadly, "I could take you home" "No that's ok I'll walk" she smiled, at me as I opened my arms for a hug, she came willingly this time and wrapped her arms around my neck as my hands wrapped around her lower back.

"Be careful and, I'll see you Monday?" I asked, "yeah" she breathed out, as she let go she smiled and started to run off down toward the exit of the park.

I walked back to my car with a huge smile on my fave, thinking of how o can't wait for school on Monday.

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