Chapter 13

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Harry's P.O.V.

We all sat in my room; I asked them to come because I wanted to talk about Sarah, and to also hang out since I haven't in a while.

"Hey guys?" I said, as if it was a question, "yeah?" Liam asked, "I'm sorry for not hanging out with you guys, it's just I can't help but want to be around her, and..." "Will you shut up?" Niall said, "It's fine, we're just happy that you found somebody, like Sarah" he said, patting me on the back, "Guys, its more than hanging out to me, I'm falling for her" I said, proudly.

"Aww," they cooed at me "You don't think I'm rushing into this?" I questioned, ecstatic that they aren't mad.

"Of course not" Louis said, waving me off with a smile, "The heart wants what the heart wants" Zayn said, shrugging his shoulders, "We're happy that you're happy and finally giving a girl a chance" Liam said, in all seriousness.

Thinking back now, I didn't care about the girl's feelings, because it was always what I wanted or needed; as well as what they could do for me. Being around Sarah has made me feel love.

I haven't known her for long but it feels like we've known each other forever. She told me last week that she only feels safe with me and that my hugs feel like home. What did she mean by that? Dies she not feel safe where she's at? Or does she not even know what it means to feel safe and that I'm the only one she's experienced that with?

I breathed out a sigh, "How's your project coming along?" Liam asked me, while playing FiFA with Louis. "Oh it's great I just don't want to present it Friday" I said, looking at my notebook. Louis paused the game, "What do you mean?" he said, I sighed before finding the page I wrote my before on and handed it to him.

They all crowded around Louis and read out loud what I put "Quiet, Fat, Secretive." They looked up at me with an emotion; I couldn't quite figure out...Pity? Anger?

"Harry how could you write this knowing Sarah was gonna have to hear this in front of the class?" Niall asked me, "At the time that 's how I felt but after I got to know her I put Wonderful, Shy, Beautiful, and Lovable as my after" I run my hands down my face, "She's gonna be embarrassed and mortified" Zayn said, glaring at me.

"I know but I hope she understands, she probably put something horrible about me as her before just as well" I said, "Please don't be angry with me it was a mistake" I said, putting my head down.

Liam being the sensible one came and ruffled my curls sending them all over the place, "We understand considering you weren't thinking straight before and have your head on right now" he said, as all the lads came and gave me a hug.

"Thanks guys, I can't wait to see Sarah and tell as well as her be here" I said, laughing. "Now back to FIFA!" Louis shouted as he ran and jumped on my bed, knocking and bouncing everyone out of the way.

Sarah's P.O.V.

Ms. Bridges has been giving me orders nonstop since I've been home from school, I feel a little bit better I'm not throwing up as much or looking pale, but I'm still not at 100%.

I tried to tell her I didn't feel good with a 104.6 temp and they wanted to take me to the hospital, she told me I was worthless and I was beaten once again.


"Ms. Bridges I don't feel good" I say, weakly "Nothing is wrong you! Go back in the kitchen and fix their dinner!" she yelled at me, "But I was taken to the nurse's office and they took my temperature, and said it was 104.6!" I said, "I don't care! Get your butt in the kitchen and do some work for once!" she yelled in my face.

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