Chapter 16: Let Me

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Note: You can play the music above. (Title: Let Me by Milky Day & Denise Julia)


"Cherry, what do you mean?" she asked softly, her heart racing. 

The silence was deafening as Joe entered the room, "Lunch is ready!" his smile betraying his knowledge of their conversation. Cherry hesitated for a moment before nodding to Raiko and exiting the room.

Joe closed the door behind him and turned to face Cherry. "What were you going to say?" he asked, his tone serious. Cherry sighed and shrugged. "I don't know, man. I just feel like I want to tell her how I feel."

Joe face-palmed. "You really don't know how to get girls."

Cherry protested, "I do know how to! You remember that girl I dated for two months?"

Joe nodded. "Pft, two months? I remember her dumping you."

Cherry chuckled bitterly. "She got bored of me because I was too sweet and persistent."

Joe's eyes widened in shock. "Well, that's fucked up."

Cherry nodded in agreement. The silence was heavy as they both remembered the pain of heartbreak. Cherry couldn't help but wonder if Raiko would feel the same way if he confessed his feelings to her. Would she use him too? Or would she be different? Only time would tell.

He might thought it is all a matter of love; the more you love a person—the stranger it becomes.

"Let's cut that topic and listen up. You need to tell her what you feel before it's too late." Joe declared.

The sun hung low in the sky, casting a golden hue over the bustling streets of the city. It was a momentous day, for Miya, Langa, and Raiko were about to engage in a heated confrontation - a beef, as it were. Cherry's fury knew no bounds when he heard the news, but he knew Raiko all too well; stubborn and carefree to the core. Instead of stopping her, he even offered his assistance with the tricks.

As the afternoon waned, they found themselves at Joe's restaurant, joined by Reki and Langa. Cherry couldn't help but feel a sense of unease as he watched Raiko's calm and collected demeanor. "Are you sure you can do this?" he asked her, his voice laced with worry.

Raiko's eyes sparkled with determination as she replied, "Absolutely, trust me, Kaoru!" Her words were like a beacon of light in the darkness of Cherry's fears.

Joe raised an eyebrow, his thoughts racing. He knew that Raiko struggled with trust issues, and this seemed like a big word for her to use. "So, what's Miya up to? That kid is nothing but trouble," he said as he wiped down plates.

The sun began to dip below the horizon, casting long shadows across the room. The tension in the air was palpable as they waited for Miya to make her move. It was like watching a storm brewing on the horizon; ominous and foreboding.

In this moment, Cherry was like a bird protecting his nest from harm's way. Raiko was his fledgling, still learning to fly and navigate the world around her. And just as the older bird would shield his young from danger, Cherry vowed to himself to stand by Raiko's side through thick and thin.

"We don't know, but he confessed that he wants me, Langa, and Raiko to be his loyal puppies, and it's unforgivable!" Reki seethed, her fists clenched.

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