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Trigger Warning: Mention of Physical Assault

11 Months Later

I was running late, but Jill assured me it's fine. I spent half of the night listening to In the Wake of Geography yet again; since Ali got hospitalized, there have been no new episodes – hearing her words and her stories in the days we were apart tears at my heart bit by bit.

In one of the episodes, she called me a pretentious asshole – and she was right, but not in the way I think it means. I haven't the faintest idea because I was raised by two sweet women, my Nana and my mom, who made sure I grew up with manners; and by a man who showed me what it takes to treat women the right way. I was womanizer because I slept around, but I've never treated them less than what they deserved; I did all of them a favor by being honest – I didn't want to be in a relationship with them and if I forced it, we both would've suffered. Despite what people think, I always knew I was capable of loving someone, but I didn't know how much or to what extent until Ali.

When I found the woman I wanted to spend the rest of my life with, I failed to keep her because I lost faith in myself. Each day, I lose hope – she was wrong when she said I'd find my way home. I finally understood what my mom meant when she said I'm not nothing, because it is now when I'm living life without Alison, that I truly have and am nothing.

It's another day of disappointment and regret, I breathe a sigh and check if I have everything I need, then grab my keys. I open the door and I feel gravity betray me, Ali is standing outside my door. I blink twice to make sure she's really there, it's been months since I saw her but nothing seemed to have changed – she's still Alison, my Ali.

Her lips break into a nervous smile; took a step inside and embraced me, her force almost knocking both of us to the ground. I'm still stunned, until she kisses me, I return the kiss but I broke it and immediately my eyes search hers.

"What?" she asked nervously, nibbling on her lip – I laugh and all I can think to myself was that goddamn habit will drive me insane!

Before I lose myself even more, I take a deep breath, "Ali, I'm so sorry. I'm sorry for ruining Charlie's wedding, for leaving and for my behavior in the days that followed."

Ali remains quiet, and my heart deflate. She probably came here just to check up on me, and say goodbye because unlike me, she's someone who's brave enough to finish what she started. I see her eyes close, bringing her forehead to mine.

"You have nothing to apologize for, Geo. It's me who needs to apologize, I'm sorry if there ever was a time I made you feel that you weren't good enough. When you left the wedding, you broke my heart, not because you didn't love me back but because you thought I was lying – I loved you, love actually. I came to see you, but Jill said you were staying in Canada –" she cut herself off with a sad laugh, wiping her tears.

"I wanted to follow you, I wanted you but it would've been selfish of me to force you into a relationship. Knowing you didn't want it – us, I had to leave it at that. I loved you without any demands – well, actually no, I expected you to feed me those homemade cookies" she said, both of us laughed.

I kissed her on the forehead, and willed her eyes to open so she can look at me when I say, "Ali, I was wrong to think that I couldn't give you anything – I was an idiot for being scared, for thinking that there's nothing I wouldn't do to make sure you have everything you'd ever want. Baby, I'm so sorry; I'd spend the rest of my life making it up to you."

Ali was still crying, she swiped at her cheeks, sniffing. I move my head, as if to whisper in her ear; "Geo" she calls softly.

I push her hair, exposing her ear and turn her head slightly. I see the long scar behind it as if her head was split open and stitched back; she turned away from me "It's healed, but the scar is permanent – just like how scars are supposed to be, you know" she states; smartass.

I realize we were still on the floor, so I stand up and reach for her hand, without any protest, I walk us over to the couch. "My parents said you came to visit everyday," she said it more of a statement than a question, and I nod.

"They wouldn't let me see you, even back at the hospital. Honestly, I didn't know why; I wouldn't have hurt you like he did" I say, sounding defeated.

"They wouldn't let you because it would've devastated you more, it was ugly, " she responds. Of course I knew that! I didn't expect her to look like a beauty queen after what she went through, I balled my fists and tip my head to rest.

"Ali, I knew that, okay? I went there wanting, no, needing – I needed to check on you; I wasn't expecting you to be dolled up."

"Geo, the aftermath wasn't pretty. Liam's a surgeon, he cut people open, used to seeing blood and organs – but he wouldn't come see me days after the first night at the hospital. Mom said he made himself sick" she explains with a sigh. I cast my eyes downward, seeing her reach inside her bag; it was a stack of photos.

"They needed evidence for when we brought Jason to trial", my hands were shaking when I took them from her, scared of what I'll see. Up until now, I only have a vague understanding of what happened and then I see it – Liam was right, it's worse when it's someone you love.

The first photo was at the penthouse, someone laid her on the couch, probably the medic. She was covered in dried splotches of blood, her arm was limp. The next ones were close up shots of her injuries, and the lodged glass behind her ear but it was the last photo that almost had me doubling over. Ali was lying naked in the hospital, in the photo she was obviously hosed down so her injuries can be seen clearly – I can make out the darkness from her chest due to blood clot, her face was swelling almost beyond recognition.

"Jesus, Ali" I say, shoving the photos to her and stand up. I'm hot all over, I knew Jason was imprisoned, the Wallis' won the trial but shit, what I wouldn't give to bash his head in; "but Liam said you only broke your wrist".

Ali shrugged, how can she be fucking calm after she got beaten an inch away from death, "yeah, that amongst other things, fractured ribs and whatnot. But I'm okay now, see?" She stood up with her arms raised on either side as if to say, look!

I shake my head, unsure of what to do when she spoke again, "Thank you for what you did. My family is grateful; my case against him was strong, but it took a long time before we got justice – you stripped him off of his license and honestly, that was the sweetest revenge and I couldn't have asked for a better one."

I just nod and move to hug her again, I drop a kiss on top of her head and sigh. I'm afraid to move, scared that she will leave me. Just as I was about to offer her a glass of water, she whispered.

"Geo, are you back for good?"

I chuckle, exhausted from that ten-minute conversation, "Of course, I am; I haven't left since I came back. This is my home, I belong here –" I trailed off, "I belong here with you."

"But you'll visit Canada too?"

"Ali, there's nowhere else I'd rather be than here with you. If you want to visit Canada, I'll take you there" I approach her, and I tighten our hug, "I'll always be with you, from here on out. Honestly, you couldn't be rid of me even if you tried."

Ali laughed, "You're cheesy, you know that right? I'd be disgusted if I'm not overwhelmed with how much I missed you".

"Only with you and only because you baited me with that question. Loving you brings out a whole different side of me" I respond, still cradling her in my arms.

"So you love me, huh?"

I hold up my hand, and count three fingers, "To that, I say, I love you, Alison. Scout's honor." Alison beamed, her smile so wide and kissed me deeply.


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