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I meant it as a joke, but it pained me to think, much more to say that Geo's here to scout for another woman to bed for the night. When he agreed, my heart sank, but I dismissed it because I know I can't let myself think too much about us – we're friends, with benefits from time to time.

Inside the car, we were quiet; even Lucy felt something was off with Liam. Once we hit traffic, Liam finally broke the silence, "That was rude of you, Ali".

Before I can even ask, Lucy placed a hand on his shoulder but he shrugged it off lightly, "No, babe" Liam said, "god, Ali. What were you thinking? That man was all over you, in case you didn't notice – why would you say he was there to go home with another woman?"

I look out the window, "Stay out of it, Liam" and he exhaled calmly, but I continued, "He and I aren't together so why shouldn't he be able to fuck another. We were just having fun".

I think that just about snapped his patience, "Ali! You don't do hook ups, that was never your thing. And that man looks ready to worship the ground you walk on" he boomed.

"That's just because I was good lay" I scoffed, "He and I are not cut out for relationships" I shrug nonchalantly, silently praying he drop it.

Liam stiffened, "First off, you never ever say that to me. I never want to hear about your sex life" he shuddered in disgust and I'm too buzzed to even be offended, "second, even if that is true, you of all people should know you're not cut out for casual hook-ups and it's stupid of you to have thought of it in the first place".

I ignore him and just watch the buildings pass us by. I don't know what to think anymore, I didn't tell Geo that I was at Boozy partly because I didn't want him to suddenly meet a new woman to bed, but more so because it was a spontaneous decision from Liam while waiting for my flight. I was surprised when I saw Geo there, my heart skipped a beat when he sidled up to me, but I felt a pang when I remembered he doesn't do commitments.

I was pulled out from my thoughts when Lucy laughed nervously, before turning to face me, "Ali, does Geo know what you do?"
Liam's focused on parking the car as I let out a breath, "No, he doesn't and it will stay that way. In case you don't remember, people don't really see the value in being an artist" feeling my heart break a little.

"Bullshit" Liam bellowed, as he puts the gear in park, "Not all people are like Jason, he was a buffoon, okay?"

We got out of the car, carrying my bags to the departure area. I hugged them both and said I'll see them after a week.

As I settle on my seat, my bag stowed in the overhead, I mull over what Liam whispered to me. "Apologize to him, what you did was wrong" he said before letting me go. I knew that, but he Geo agreed, didn't seem to mind what I said. I grunt, nibbling on my lip until I taste blood, before take-off I sent Geo a text.

Hey. Sorry about what I said back in Boozy, I was just teasing you. It was wrong of me to out you like that to my brother. See you in a week, enjoy Scouts Honor!

I switch my phone to airplane mode and sleep through the flight. When I arrived at New Jersey, mom and Sam were waiting for me; mom enveloped me in a tight hug, almost cutting of my blood circulation. I haven't even been gone for a month and my mom's already acting as if she hasn't seen me in over a year.

On the car ride home, mom chatter endlessly about her flower shop, and how Eliza, Peter's wife, sent us a basket of chocolates as a token of gratitude for giving Caleb a collector's copy of Scouts Honor. All the while, I watch my phone intently, silently praying for Geo's response. But to my dismay, days have passed and still I never heard back from Geo; I didn't dare text him anymore, it seems to be the best for both of us.

During my stay at New Jersey, I spent most of my time at TATS office, catching up with Taylor and Tom. I buried myself with work, until Sam couldn't take it anymore, she turned my monitor off – "Hey!" I called.

"Ali, what's up with you?" she asked, taking a seat across from me. I didn't want to talk about it so I reach for the power button but she stood and inserted herself between me and my monitor.

I exhaled, crossed my arms, "I did something stupid back in L.A. and I apologized for it already, but I think I ruined something good" I mumbled quickly.

"Is this about Geo? The one you asked Scouts Honor volume 60 for?" she inquired.

Surprised she knew about it, she held up a hand, "Charlie asked about you and when I said you seem fine but sulking, he went and asked Liam about it".

I'm going to kill Liam, I thought, but when I looked at Sam, I see worry in her eyes. "I'm fine, okay?"

"Ali, did he say something about your profession" she tread carefully, "like Jason did?"

I shook my head no, the next thing I know I'm babbling endlessly, "He doesn't even know I'm the artist of Scouts Honor or that I'm part owner of TATS Publishing".

Sam put a hand on her chest, and I can't help but roll my eyes at how dramatic she can be. "Does he know about your family?"
Embarrassed at how much I kept from Geo, I shook my head and whispered no.

Sam gave me a hug, telling me I should be honest with Geo, and how one can't expect a true friendship when you're not being honest yourself. I nodded, and just as if it's God's sign, my phone pinged with Geo's message. Sam handed it over to me, and walked away with a soft chuckle.

Hey gorgeous. It's all good, sorry I haven't replied, Jill caught the flu and had to cover for her at Rustic. Can't wait to see you, breakfast on me when you get back, k?

That night, after dinner, I called Geo and we talked for what seemed like hours. Laughing and talking over each other about Scouts Honor and his week. He said Jill's feeling much better and will be back at work by the time I'm home.

"How did you like the Volume 60?" I asked, lying down on my bed.

I hear ruffling sounds on the other end, as if someone's arranging bed covers, before Geo's voice came "Sorry, I was trying to settle in bed, but was good" he replied, probably still preoccupied with fixing his bed.

Minutes passed before Geo was able to animatedly share about Scouts Honor Volume 60. I laughed at one of his stories about being too tired from being awake to cover Jill's shifts that when one customer asked if they have a trash can by the counter, he looked at the menu to check if they serve it.

"It was so embarrassing, Ali" he said with a sigh.
I was still laughing, "Oh my gosh. And what did the customer say?"

"At first he scanned the menu too and when he realized what's wrong with it, he laughed and repeated his question."

I wanted to ask if he's been to Boozy while I was gone but that seemed intrusive given our arrangement. I have to keep reminding myself that this is a casual set-up and that we can date or sleep around with whomever we want, not that I would anyway since like what Liam said, I never do flings. My thoughts were interrupted when Geo asked when I'm going home.

"Oh, my flight's not until eight o'clock so I'll probably be home within the next hour or so" I replied followed by a yawn.

"Got it, sleepyhead" he said with a teasing laugh, "go to sleep, we can talk tomorrow."

The days go by and I didn't honestly expect that Geo and I will talk on the phone every night while I was away but we did, which made me really giddy. Secretly, I've been counting the days for when I get back to L.A. and we can hangout in person.


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