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I pulled the covers on over my head to block the sunlight from the window, then my eyes flew open when I realized I'm not in my bed. I sat up, and saw my clothes folded neatly on the dresser across from me. I look down and study the shirt I'm wearing, it didn't occur to me I'm still at Geo's.

I changed into my clothes, freshen up a bit in the bathroom. I placed his shirt on the hamper beside the bathroom door. I straightened out his bed, and fiddle with a few of his things; he has another stacks of books on the floor like in the living room, some go as high as my waist. I walked over to his computer desk, and study the sound equipment, he's got a mic and headphones, I run my fingers through the boxes of unopened funko pops on his wall shelf.

I heard my phone buzz from the night stand, I answer the call as I step out into the living room, slowly approaching the dining table. "Hey, Sam" I heard shuffling from Geo's kitchen and watch him rummage through his pantry, as Sam continuously talks my ear off.

"Morning gorgeous" he said with a smile, I returned it, and Sam let out a short scream. I pulled my phone away from my ear, "Alison Johnson, did you spend the night with a guy?!"

I moved towards the living room, not wanting Geo to hear, after all, Sam's calling about Scouts Honor.

"Yes, Sam, because I am a consenting adult. Don't let Liam rub off on you too much" I responded. In TATS Publishing, I am closest to Sam, simply because she's been dating Charlie since we were in high school, and they recently just got engaged. Being with my brother, Sam feels more mature even though we're the same age.

"I'll have it to you by lunch Sam. And by the way, please don't forget to remind Gina about Caleb's package, I promised Peter we'd have it delivered within the week" I reminded before ending the call.

Geo looks freshly showered as he carried two plates of pancakes to the table, followed by two mugs of brewed coffee. "Hey, I forgot to ask where you work" he asked, pouring syrup over his pancake.

I drank my coffee, "I work at a publishing house in New Jersey, but while I'm in grad school, I'm in a work from home arrangement" I answered. It was the truth, he didn't need to know that I'm the artist behind Scouts Honor, or that I am part owner of TATS Publishing.

"That's cool. Which publishing house?" he inquired.

I panicked a bit, and quickly debated if I should lie, "TATS Publishing" I murmured in between bites.

Geo blinked at me, "You mean, the publisher who publishes Scouts Honor?"

I filled my mouth with another pancake slice, in hopes of avoiding the question. Geo was patiently waiting for me to finish the food in my mouth, "Yes, that's the one. Are you a fan?"

"Hell yeah!" he replied enthusiastically, jumping out of his chair, he ran to the stack of books on the far corner of his apartment and retrieved a copy of Scouts Honor, with the new cover edition.

"I can't believe you work there! I love this series, it's one of the best!" he continued, "honestly, I'd really want an autograph from I.Sonjo, the artist. His art is so amazing."

I laughed at his use of pronoun, and let him continue talking. I make sure to nod, and enjoy these delicious homemade blueberry pancakes.

"He's a bit mysterious though, I've searched the internet endlessly when I first read this series. I wanted to interview I.Sonjo for my podcast" he finished, putting down the book and drinking his coffee.

My ears perked up at the mention of a podcast, I love podcasts, mostly I listen to crime related ones because I enjoy the story and the wickedness behind the crime. Oh god, that sounded hideous, I have no intention of committing such crimes, I'm just fascinated with how the wheels on someone's brain turn, compelling them to commit something so evil.

"Is that what the equipment for? A podcast?" I asked, munching on the last slice of pancake.

Geo nodded.

"What do you discuss? I love podcasts!" I mentioned, going on to explain why and what it is that I love about podcasts. He laughed at my excitement before drinking coffee from his mug.

"Basically, I talk about anything on there. I get a few calls from people living in the city, and together we discuss our observations and go over theories and such as to why people behave in certain ways. Hence, Sleepless City".

We talked more about Sleepless City, and I learned he's been doing it since he was in college and that it started out as a way for him to talk about the things going on in his mind. All the time, I wondered what he thinks of the world, how to see it through his eyes. When Geo was cleaning up our dishes, his phone rang and I heard him talking to Jill.

"Yes, Jill" he took a rag and wipe on the counter, "Yes I cooked her breakfast". Geo spared me a glance and rolled his eyes as if to say his sister is annoying the crap out of him.

I stifled a laugh and went to the corner where his graphic novels were stacked, I ran my fingers on the spine, lined-up perfectly.
I grabbed Volume 7, my favorite out of all the published volumes; it's where Scouts Honor went up to a mysterious lake house because there were numerous reports of vampires lurking in the woods at night. I remember doing the illustration back at our own lake house, and as I scan the pages, I stop at the full page illustration — I realized how much it resembled our own vacation house.

I was about to turn the page when I feel Geo sneak up behind me, his arms snaking to hug my waist. This man is handsy, not to mention how good he is with his hands; he kissed my neck.

"Did you have fun?" he asked, trailing soft kisses on my neck and shoulder.

I placed back the novel on the pile, and faced him, moving my arms at the back of his neck. "Yes, Geo. You're an amazing lay" at that, he laughed and flashed me a cocky smile.

I rolled my eyes and give him a deep kiss on the lips. When we parted, I see his mouth turn down in the corners, with a sigh, he placed back a smile on his lips. "Want me to drive you home?"

I didn't realize he didn't know I brought my car, "Oh, no that's fine" I move to grab my purse from the couch, "I have my car downstairs".

Geo nodded and followed me to the door, helping me with my jacket. "I'll go to Rustic, Jill's already there".

He locked up behind me, I take that opportunity to check my phone. I have a few messages from Liam and Lucy, checking up if I'm safely home, the messages were sent a few hours ago so I type out a quick reply to both.

I'm good. On my way home now.
When we reached my car, Geo was beaming at me. "You need a ride?" I asked.

He glanced around the parking lot, I guess debating whether to bring his car or catch a ride. I'd love a few more minutes with him, so I secretly cross my fingers that he'll say yes to a car ride.

"Sure, why not" he replied, moving towards the passenger side, "I know you've been dying to get me alone for a few more minutes" he teased with a wink.

My mouth formed an o in surprise, I don't think I've said my thoughts out loud. I shake my head when I hear Geo laughing, and settle on the driver's seat.


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