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I wanted to hang out with Ali longer but I didn't want to seem eager so I just kept my mouth shut. After Ali left, I was still buzzing with excitement over Scouts Honor's newest volume; and how she managed to make it personalized by having I.Sonjo sign it. Jill noticed me smiling like a buffoon, "What's up with you?"

I held the copy of Scouts Honor to her face; my sister likes the series though not as much as I do, she grabbed it, and browsed. Her eyes almost bulge out when she noticed the signature, yup, same reaction, sis I mentally joke.

"Is this" she trailed off, running her fingers through the signature, "how?"

I took the copy back, "Ali works for TATS Publishing and she knew about my obsession with the novel because she saw the stacks when I asked her over before" I offered, walking to the office to pack my stuff.

Jill pushed the door and crossed her arms, "Going home?"

I nodded and logged off on the computer; when I noticed her silence, I looked up to her, "What?"

She smiled knowingly, "It's a Friday, don't you always scout Boozy?" she quizzed, then laughed.

It caught me off-guard, I didn't even realize that it's Friday, and how it is actually my schedule to woo a lady friend for the night. I shrugged it off, not wanting to let her know that it's because Ali's been on my mind for the past week, "Well, I'm off to read Scouts Honor".

"Riiiight" she teased, before picking up her own bag, "because it takes all night to read a graphic novel".

I rolled my eyes, "You don't know if I'm going out after I finish it anyway, Ms. Know It All" I called.

I hugged Jill goodbye, wait for her car to leave the lot before getting inside mine. I rest my head on the seat, mulling over her observation; after what seemed like hours, I tear out the parking lot and drove to Boozy.

As soon as I enter the bar, it's packed and I immediately feel a migraine from the noise – no! I stopped myself, I am not a boring man, I am a bachelor and should be out to have fun on a Friday night. I walked over and tapped the counter to get Jordan's attention when I heard a laugh all too familiar. I slowly move my head, and there at the opposite end is Ali, with a guy's arm around her, laughing to whatever she said.

I balled my hands to a fist, but worked to calm my nerves, she's not my girlfriend whatsoever. We're free to date whoever we want to, and at any time; plus how bad could it be when Lucy's there too. Still. I close my eyes and groan in frustration, just as Jordan brought me a cold beer, then following my gaze and shaking his head as he smiles.

"If you like her, West," he started, calling me by my last name, "Go over there and stake your claim. Instead of looking like you're about to combust in flames".

"So you think he's with her?" I ask, taking a long swig. I honestly don't think I can handle this without a few alcohol in me.
Jordan's preparing another order, and Ali laughed swatting at the guy's chest, "Beats me. Go over there man, talk to her and if they turn out to be together, find yourself another lady" he sighs, "like you always do".

I take one more drink before making my way to where Lucy and Ali are. Lucy noticed me first, "Hey, Geo!" she called, causing Ali to search for me. Take that, asshole mentally directing it to the guy who still haven't released his hold on her.

When Ali's eyes fall on mine, she beamed, "Hey, Geo! This is my twin, Liam" motioning to the guy whose arms are on her shoulders. Yup, you guessed it, I mentally face palmed myself.

"Hey, man. Nice to meet you" Liam extended his hand, and I take it, relaxing.

"You too" I replied, as I watch Lucy move closer to Liam so I can sidle up to Ali, which was welcomed when I placed my arm on the bar behind her, subtly boxing her in.

Liam's cool, seeing him like this, I would have a hard time believing he's a surgeon. He's funny and carefree like Ali, no wonder they're twins. When our drinks were empty, I signal to Jordan, and I introduced him to Ali and the rest – smiling at me as if to say I told you so.

I wonder what Ali told Liam about us, he didn't seem to be bothered by touchy I am towards his sister, which was weird, knowing how protective he was of her based from Ali's stories. I plant a soft kiss on Ali's exposed shoulder, and I feel her skin go hot, hearing her breath hitch.

"Babe, enough. We have to drive Ali to the airport in a few minutes," Lucy warned Liam who was looking to refill his beer.

"You're leaving?" I asked, surprised.

Ali moved towards my ear so I can hear her through the loud music pumping, "I forgot to tell you this morning, yeah. I'll be back by next week, I need to visit my mom".

I thank the darkness of the club, hiding my disappointment; I was hoping we'd spent the night together. But then again, I can't voice that out, lest she'll get the wrong idea that I'm getting attached. I just nodded and gave her a smile.

A few minutes passed and they're ready to go; Liam turned to me, "Hey man, you coming with us?"

Before I can even speak, Ali butt in, "He's good, Liam. I'm sure he needs to scout for a lady friend" she teased. I search her eyes, too taken aback with her bluntness, I managed a laugh even though deep inside it broke my heart to hear what she thinks of me.

I literally wouldn't be here if Jill didn't remind me. Ever since my first night with Ali in the apartment, I have not thought about other women. I guess I can't fault her for thinking this way since I was adamant about not starting a relationship with anyone during our dinner then.

Liam hesitated a bit, his brows furrowed but let it go when Ali hugged me and I gave them a smile, promising to see them soon.
Once I'm sure they're gone, fuck, I mutter to myself. If Ali only knew how much I wanted her tonight, have wanted her since our second night together – I look around the bar, scanning the crowd and knowing I'm done for the night. I bid Jordan a quick goodbye and sped home, to read Scouts Honor and remove Ali from my mind altogether.


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