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When the call ended, I give out a short laugh before tidying up a bit. I really wanted to spend more time with Ali but knowing that their family is a tight knit, I didn't want to impose that we spend Thanksgiving night together so I'm through the roof when she called to say she wants to come over.

I check the time and think of a snack to prepare, for sure she'll want to watch a movie tonight. When I take inventory of the pantry, I realize there's not much here since I haven't been to the grocery since last week.

I go back to the book I'm reading while waiting for Ali; I was almost halfway into The Stand when I heard the buzzer. I was debating whether to give Ali her own set of keys so she can access my apartment whenever, when there was a knock on my door. I open it and Ali leapt to hug me, I caught her buried my face in her neck.

"I miss you" came her muffled voice. When I released her, I see her pouting which made me laugh. I move away to let her in, and take her bag to bring inside the room.

Ali was texting on the couch when I came out, "Hey, run to the grocery with me? We can get some midnight snacks and baking ingredients."

Her eyes lit up at the mention of baking, "Omg! We'll bake tonight?"

I shook my head, checking if I have my wallet and keys. "No, we'll do that tomorrow. Will you stay here until then?"

Ali nodded with a smile and stood up to wear her windbreaker, and opened the door. I opened the passenger door for her, before settling in the driver's seat; I drove us to the nearest Walmart.

"Do you know how to bake Banana Cake?" she asks, scanning the shelves for snacks while I push the cart beside her.

"Yeah, here" I said, handing over my phone before grabbing some chips, "search for the ingredients online".

Once we have everything, we went to the counter and I paid for our grocery. I asked her if she wanted pizza for takeout, and as we carry the bags to the car, she offered to drive so I let her.

After a few minutes we got back to the apartment and we were laughing so hard because we couldn't manage to open the door to the building with all the bags and takeouts we were carrying. "You should have seen your face when the door closed for the nth time" she stated, with short laughs in between.

I roll my eyes and push her inside lightly, "Alison, these are heavy, go inside before I have to drag your body from the floor", she was literally sitting on her heels still laughing, with her hair covering half of her face.

Moving past her, I placed all the grocery bags on the dining table before going back to help her. She was leaning on me for support, and I couldn't help but say "Woman, stop. It wasn't even that funny!"

Ali nodded "Yes it was", finally letting out a deep breath to signify she's done laughing. She straightened up and placed the takeouts on the coffee table while I put the groceries away.

We ended up watching the first season of The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, while eating pizza. She was so engrossed with the series and didn't even notice when I stood up to get us water. When I handed it to her, she automatically put it down on the table so I had to pause the screen.

Irritated, she faced me and raised her eyebrow "What? I was watching that."

"I know, but first I want you to hydrate yourself. Here" I said, giving her the glass again.

The next morning, I woke up and saw Ali's not in bed. I reach for my glasses and check the time on the clock, it was seven o'clock in the morning. Looking around the room, I saw Ali's overnight bag was still on the floor near my dresser. I walk to the bathroom and freshen up before going out; she was in the kitchen preparing breakfast, I didn't know she cooked.

"Hey, gorgeous" I murmur, snaking my arms around her waist and give her temple a kiss.
She turned to face me a little, "I prepared us breakfast. Pancakes okay with you?" she asks before giving me a light kiss on the lips.

I mustered and mhmm and walked to the coffeemaker to pour me a mug of coffee. I watch her flip the pancakes, her brows knitted with focus, she looks so domestic with her hair in a messy bun and long sweater — she was even barefoot, the whole picture made me smile.

Ali faced me and caught me staring, she bent her head sideways, "Are you okay?" she asks, transferring the food to our plates. I nod and help her carry them to the table.


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