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I walk, more like sprint, out of Rustic and to the busy street to start my walk back to USC. I am excited for my "date" with Geo, though I'm sure he's looking more to sleeping with me, can't say I am too. The man is HOT, not to mention, he's subtle with flirting, though I think he did it more because he's assuming I'm innocent. I'm not, though I'm not exactly naughty as well, I'm playful I guess.

I reach my classroom with a few minutes to spare before class, and I text Lucy,

Going on a date tonight with the guy from the bar last night!

A text popped up on the screen, from an unknown number, it's an address. I knew it's from Geo, but before I can even save his number I received another text,

That looked sketchy, forgot to say, it's Geo. See you tonight!

My phone buzzed, an incoming call from Liam. I was about to swipe accept when the professor arrived and I had no choice but to turn my phone off. I listen to class, but at the back of my mind, I'm counting down the minutes until my dinner with Geo.

I was walking out the building towards the parking lot when I saw Liam standing there, I was surprised but then I remembered he was calling me. "Liam" I hurried my steps, "Is something wrong?" I'm worried it's about mom, who's all alone in New Jersey.

When I reached him he looks more annoyed than upset, and I relax a little, which proved to be the wrong move. "Ali, I can't believe you'd go out with a guy you just met! Most of all from the bar" he hissed.

I walked faster, hoping to outpace him. When we reached my car, I was fuming, I know Lucy loves Liam but she doesn't have to report back to him all the time, I'm not a baby who needs a nanny. I whipped to face him which surprised him, "I can't believe Lucy will —" he shook his head and put a hand up to stop me.

"Ali, Lucy didn't say anything" he pulled out his phone and waved it to my face, and that's when I saw that I accidentally sent him the message that was intended for Lucy. I sent a silent apology to Lucy, and searched for my keys.

"Well, you're not the boss of me. So..." I muttered, placing my stuff in the backseat. I opened the door and started to get in when he put a hand on it to stop from closing, "True. But let's see what dad has to say about that princess. I'm shadowing you until the Penthouse, drive".

I gave him the stink-eye "You wouldn't dare, Liam" I challenged but he just laughed and walked away. He pressed his keys to unlock his car that was parked across mine and smiled smugly.

On the drive home, my annoyance is bubbling on my skin. Ever since Jason, they've all been so overly protective, and for good reason but it can get suffocating. Honestly, I am glad to be rid of that arrogant pig — was boring and stiff, and I think I chose him then because he was mature. Jason came from a good family, much similar to mine, his parents like me and though they were lawyers themselves, they never ridiculed my profession as an artist. He's the same age as Charlie, and the age difference made him think it was okay to mock me, saying how being an artist is not a real career but a hobby. When I first told Jason about Scouts Honor, he dismissed it over breakfast, not that I used my real name on the novel anyway. I'm not ashamed, but with all the fame and hype Scouts Honor received, I'd chosen to remain anonymous.

He never knew how much I made out of Scouts Honor, and how much fan base surrounds it worldwide. I remember when Jason got drunk after a party at the firm, he told me that my family's wealth allowed me to act immaturely, he felt embarrassed introducing me to his colleagues. It was the last time I've ever mentioned my craft proudly around him.

When I caught him and Natalia doing it in his office during one of the firm's functions, I almost threw up. Being the asshole that he is, he continued pumping into her while looking directly at me, conveying how lowly he thought of me. Instead of causing a scene, I left as if nothing happened and called Taylor, I spent the night on her couch crying my eyes out. The morning after, I told my mom and she was furious; I told her not to make a big deal out of it because it was the mature way of handling the situation — ha! Take that, Jason, I can act mature. Mom took enough pity, but I think she just got annoyed at how much whining I made to stop her, so instead she called dad and my brothers, who were more murderous than she was.

A month after the fiasco, I applied in graduate school for English Literature. I told everyone it had always been a dream, but honestly, it was more of an attempt to leave Jason and everything behind. I'm not looking for a relationship, I don't think dating is something up in my alley right now but I'm a woman with needs — Geo seems fun and up for it, so I don't see the problem, we're all adults here.

My phone buzzed just as I was pulling up in my parking space, another message from Geo, asking if there's anything I'm allergic to. I was typing out my response when Liam knocked on my window loudly, causing me to almost drop my phone. I glared at him as I sent my reply,

Yes, I'm deathly allergic to peanuts

I opened the door to the penthouse, with Liam trailing behind me, holding my laptop. He set it on the kitchen counter, still glued to his phone. I take my chance and cross my fingers, "Thank you for making sure I get home safe. I'll take a bath now" I was walking towards my room when he spoke.

"Not so fast, princess" tossing his phone on the couch and sprawling his long legs on the other end, getting comfortable. Liam's four inches taller than me, placing him at six feet flat.

I crossed my arms and wait for him to continue, "Charlie's coming over for pizza night"

My jaw dropped, "What pizza night? This wasn't scheduled! Like I said, I have a date" I reiterated.

Liam just shook his head, and I groan loudly, "Does Charlie even know why you invited him over?"

"Nope" he replied, reaching for the remote. I went inside my bedroom, making sure to stomp loudly so he knows how annoying he's acting, but it only earned me another laugh.

I called Geo, he answered on the third ring. I hear sizzling in the background, and a soft creak probably coming from an oven, "Hey gorgeous, are you on your way?" he asked.

I didn't want to cancel on him entirely, and I'm still hatching a plan on how I can sneak out — jesus, I sound like a high school. "That's actually why I'm calling, I might be a little late" I replied, my voice full of worry.

I didn't hear his reply because Charlie entered my room, and I ended the call before he hears. "Hey. You're free to go, just" he exhaled and pinched his brows as if exasperated, "be careful."

I jumped giddily and shooed him out so I can get ready. Before I close my bedroom door, I see Liam sulking on the couch, "Well, well. What do you know, big brother trumps you once again. Told you he loves me more" I teased.

"Charlie loves us equally" he replied. We've always teased each other on who Charlie loves more, though we know he does indeed love us equally, but it's the only thing we compete on. Liam and I don't have a lot in common, just the basics, like food and movie preferences; so growing up, we decided we'd compete for Charlie's love which our parents and brother just laugh at most of the time.

"Hey Ali," Liam called, stopping me from retreating inside my room. He looked me staight in the eyes, with concern, "can I at least shadow you going there? It will ease my worry" he asked.

I don't think twice, I nodded with a smile. When he returned to watch the TV, Charlie called out his goodbye and I went inside the room to get ready.


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