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I stretch my hand, and feel around my bed, I know I asked Geo to stay the night. When I realize my bed is empty, I open my eyes, and look around; my bedroom door is closed, and I feel myself deflate. I guess I'm still a one-night stand, what do you call repeated hook-ups? A string of one night stands? I sound idiotic, I put my hair up in a bun and swing my legs off the bed.

I notice my phone isn't on the night stand, I wonder where I left it; another thought snaked its way inside my mind, Geo couldn't even be bothered to leave me a note. What an ass. I open the door irritated, still no sign of Geo – the penthouse is silent except for the rain on the window.

I search for my phone, and after a few minutes of looking through my stuff, I give up. I prepare myself coffee, as my mind reels back to the fact that Geo just left without so much as a peep, he could've woken me up at least to say goodbye.

I groan in frustration, and walk to the bathroom, to take a shower. By eight o'clock, I'm out of WSP and drove distractedly to USC. I sit in class, but all I could think about is confronting Geo at Rustic, or is that borderline attachment? No! my inner mind protested, you don't have to be rude even if it's just a hook-up, and that's all I'll ask him – better yet, I can pretend to drop by Rustic for their food, I'd love a donut anyway.

After class, it was still raining, so I drove to Rustic. I took a deep breath before getting out of the car and sprinting to the café, I was immediately greeted by Jill, working behind the cashier. Huh. No sign of Geo.

I wait for my turn, nibbling on my lip and think of other scenarios as to why Geo's just suddenly gone. I'm still lost in thoughts when Jill waved her hands in front of me, "Ali, are you okay?" she stares at me, and when I don't speak, "What did Geo do?"

Confused, I let go of my bottom lip, "Is he not here?" I ask nervously.

Jill let out a breath, "You scared me, I thought I'd have to beat him up" chuckling and fixing me a donut, "Sorry but no, though I thought he was with you".

I took the donut and pulled out a ten, but she stopped me before continuing, "He picked me up this morning because my boyfriend's out of town with our car. Geo said he stayed at your place."

I sighed, defeated, "He did, but he never came back. And I lost my phone so I don't know if he left me a message."

"Maybe he's still in the apartment, he probably went back after dropping me off here. Hold on", she ran to the back and I moved to the side to let the next customer up to the counter.

If Geo never came back, maybe he wanted to be rid of me. He even avoided Rustic just to have me gone, I can take a hint, geez. Before I can leave, Jill emerged from the back office, holding a set of keys.

"He wasn't answering his phone, probably fell asleep" handing the keys over with a smile.
I take the keys and manage a smile to reassure Jill. I slowly make my way towards my car, placing the keys on the passenger's seat. In less than fifteen minutes, I was parking my car across his apartment; it was still drizzling but I can make out his car at the far end of the lot. I grab the keys, my bag and pulled my hood over my head, making a run for the door.


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