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I feel my legs about to give out as I run outside only to see Geo speed away; when I lose the feelings in my legs, steady arms catch me and I see it's Liam. "Hey, Ali bear. I got you" he coaxes.

My twin hooks his arm under my legs and carry me up to my room, after what felt like hours, my parents and Charlie are there. I heard everything he had to say, but I couldn't comprehend it – it truly is fine when I told Geo that he doesn't have to love me back right that moment. I wanted to say a lot more, I wanted him to stay and talk it out with me.

He may not fit my family's fortunes and lifestyle, but he fit me – my life. He ticked off every tab in my imaginary checklist of what to look for in a man.

Charlie strokes my back as I cry, "I'm sorry, Ali. Sam and I wasn't able to retrieve the invitation when you ended things with Jason, but I thought he'd have the sense to skip it altogether."

"Is Sam okay? I'm sorry we ruined your wedding" I say in between hiccups.

"Ali, we don't owe each other an apology. But we owe Geo one" he pauses to take a breath, "Kino told me what happened".

Charlie does his best to tell us how Kino told him; by the end, I was fuming. How dare he! I'm sure it wasn't the casual that sent Geo spiraling, but his pompous comment about how Geo couldn't buy me a decent meal. Asshole. What a fucking prick, I think. I close my eyes and drum my fists on the bed, "What the fuck is his problem?"

"Alison, honey" mom calls, "language, please".

I roll my eyes at that, way to lighten the fucking mood, mom, I thought!

Too exhausted, with one last apology to Charlie, I send them all away. Liam lingered a little longer and said he'll crash on my couch outside just to keep an eye on me, and I agreed.

I take a bath to try and clear my head, booking a flight first thing tomorrow morning. I was no longer crying when I got out of the bathroom, but my face is still splotchy and my nose can rob Rudolph of his title. As I lie awake, I send him a few texts,

I'm sorry for what happened, Geo. Kino told us. Can we talk?

Please drive safely. Can you call me as soon as you get back to L.A.?

I nibble on my lip, and watch my messages as they remain unread. I leave him voicemails, and once that's exhausted too – his voice mailbox full – I cry softly. The night was so silent I hear my heart shatter into tiny pieces.

The next morning, I think I barely slept, my eyes hurt a bit from crying and the lack of proper sleep. I check my phone, but says the same – messages unread, voice mailbox full. I promise myself I won't be a nuisance, I just need to know, I send Jill a text.

Hi, Jill. I don't know if you Geo told you anything, and I won't bother you, but I just want to know if he's back?

I immediately followed it up with another message,

If he got home safely, I mean.
Minutes tick by, I relax and stand up to take a shower when my phone pinged. I rush to read it, it came from Jill,

Hi, Ali. Yes, he did. Don't worry you can text me, I understand. He's at the apartment, my mom's there too.

I sigh a breath of relief, and step into the shower. I gather my wits, I think of ways to fix it and how I can get him to talk to me. I met up with my family for breakfast, Sam and her parents were there too, they all offer me their sympathetic smiles.

I apologize to Sam and her parents, all three of them assured me there's nothing that requires any apology. We ate, and they all tried to act normal, chatting about honeymoon plans and Christmas plans – that's right, it's three days to Christmas.

My parents aren't fully supporting me flying home to L.A., they're all staying here until after the holidays, but I promised I'll be back in two days regardless of the outcome of my relationship with Geo.

"He'll come around, just give him time" Dad reminded, as he hugged me at the airport.

Instead of driving straight to the Penthouse, I drove to Rustic. Jill gave me a smile and hugged me, directing us to an empty couch. "Is he here?" I ask, though looking around, there's no sign of him.

"Ali, he left" she said softly, "He flew to Canada to manage our branch there".

"He won't spend Christmas here?"

Jill shook her head, "Honestly, I don't know. I think he'll be back on Christmas Eve, but knowing him, he'll probably—"

"Avoid me like the plague" I supply.

She chuckled softly, "No, well yes, but only because he's stubborn. What I meant though is that he'll fly back to Canada right after Christmas Eve to bury himself at work".

We talk a bit longer, she asked about the wedding itself and I tell her. After a while, I hand her my gift and for Geo's as well, "Here". Jill's mouth formed an O in surprise, I shrug, "I hope he likes it".

Jill assures me he will. I was almost out the door when she pulled lightly on my arm, "He's never been with anyone, Ali. I think he had always find it easy to downplay himself, believing he's not cut out for the good things in life."

I smile, and I wish what she said was enough. Still, I pick myself up and leave Rustic with a broken heart. It wasn't until I was on the flight home to New Jersey that I realize what I need to do, I need to put myself out there, let him know he and I are the same.


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