The Breakup

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Chapter 21

(Please play the song attached whilst reading, thanks. The song is The Mess I Made by Parachute enjoy ! )

Darcy POV

*Saturday Morning

I can't remember how it started, or why it had started but it did. There was a lot of yelling from both Josh and I  and mostly tears on my behalf. I just wanted the issue to be resolved .But for now, it continued.

"Darcy I think you're overacting just a little bit."

Am I Josh?! Excuse me for getting upset that my boyfriend can't seem to tell me the truth and I have to hear things from my friends!

"I didn't lie to you!"

But you did because you didn't say the truth, why did I have to find out from my friends and not from you

"Your friends shouldn't have to get involved and sometimes I don't have to tell you everything."

Don't blame my friends, they were being good friends and telling me the truth about what my boyfriend was doing whilst I was gone.

I rose to my feet; I quickly made my way away from him. In the corner of my eye, I noticed that he was walking towards me. He took hold of my hands before speaking

"I'm sorry" . He whispered

What? Do you think all you have to say is sorry for me to forgive you straight away? I angrily asked.

"I think I better go and leave you two to talk." George said from the corner and quickly run up the stairs back to his room.

You have a lot to say to me I said as Josh stared at me. "Okay, yes she came over to speak to me and stuff.... But that's it"

Then why didn't you tell me? I tried so hard to keep the sting in my throat out of my voice.

He sighed and ran his hands through his hair, "I was confused and I didn't know what to do ."

I quickly scoffed. You didn't know what to do? Of course you did, you could've told me! But you didn't I said as I shook my head looking away from him. I couldn't look at him I could still sense that he was lying to me still; it would only end up in me crying.

He took hold of my hand again before I pulled away again as tears started pricking my eyes.

"Darcy you have to believe me, I would never lie to you-" That's the thing Josh I don't believe you, I don't believe anything that you have told me.

"Are you serious right now"?! he said as he stormed off out of the Garden and into the game room.

I quickly followed him in his direction; I needed to get to the bottom of it all.

You can't just walk off and act as if nothing has happened. "Darcy I don't want to talk about it ... DROP IT!"

No I won't I need to know, did you kiss her? Josh!?

"YES, YES, yeah I did okay"! He finally said. "I kissed her, I know I shouldn't have but I just couldn't help it."

What do you mean you couldn't help it; did you do more than kissing with her? I asked as tears once again escaped my face.

From the narrowing of his head, I took it as a yes.

You slept with her? I asked weakly

"Yes, I'm sorry Darcy I never wanted it to happen. She came around telling me how she missed me and I don't know what happened but I ended up going to her mates place and then we.... You know.

How could you do this to me, I thought you cared about me?

"I do care about you so much."

Well obviously not enough, was it because I never slept with you that you decided to sleep with her?

"Of course not, being with her meant nothing it was a mistake. I don't deserve to be with someone as gorgeous and amazing as you."

You where supposed to be different you said.... You said you loved me!

"I know I did, and I do but you don't deserve to be lied to, we should break up." Josh said before moving away from me with tears escaping from his eyes.


I ran up to my room without telling the girls anything , I allowed the tears to flood down my face, I was heartbroken  I never thought Josh would be the guy who would cheat on me. As i starred at the ceiling I thought to myself, if only I had slept with him maybe he wouldn't have did what he did, we could still be together.

The worst part of today was it had to be Saturday; I would be performing with the girls in less than 7 hours. How was I going to cope Josh was my backbone in the completion, I knew it was the end of us being a couple but was it the end of us being best friends too?

A/N:  I know I said before I would upload it on Tuesday but I thought I might as well do it now :) Hope you guys liked it, this has to be my favourite chapter so far. Sorry to the Jarcy lovers, hope you're not to annoyed that they broke up. What do you want to happen between Josh and Darcy know?  Came believe I'm almost half way with finishing this fanfic. Let me know what you think by commenting, liking or anything else. Feedback is always appreciated.

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