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Chapter 28 part 1

(Play song whilst reading story)

Josh POV

Just as I was about to go to bed, I scrolled through my phone looking at old pictures. Most of the pictures I had I wanted to delete them so that’s what I did; one by one I looked at them and deleted them. I came across one picture that made me stop and think. It just happened to be a picture of me and Darcy  when we wen't to Disney land, wow it seemed like forever since I saw Darcy smile the way she did in the picture. I had to admit it to myself, I was probably happier in that picture than I was right now. I just wanted to be happy like that again, I just knew what was stopping me. Darcy. She made me happy, everything about her and here I was being a jerk towards her. She didn’t deserve any of it. I knew what I had to do tomorrow, I needed to talk to Darcy and hopefully sort things out with her.

Everyone saw me as the dick for being harsh to Darcy but they didn’t understand they just couldn’t. I found it harder and harder to be around her, being brave and saying goodbye is never easy, especially if the person was important to you. I guess that was what my problem was finding the words to say goodbye.  As much as I cared about her and I still did, I just knew we couldn’t be how we used to be. Too much had been said more on my part and I knew it would take a long time before we could ever go back to being friends again. This is why people say you shouldn’t fall in love with your best friend.

My clock read 11:00 pm, I needed to attempt to get some sleep or else I would be shattered for rehearsals.

In the morning

This time rehearsals went smoother and everyone was comfortable with their performances and our final group performance. I couldn’t help but notice that Darcy stood out to me in improvement. This time she was singing better and she was actually in time with the music.

“Welcome back Darcy, this is what I want to see you do tomorrow” Gareth our dance instructor said.

“As for everyone else, you did really well and you will have a dress rehearsal later on during the day. For now you can go for a break and I’ll see you all at 3 pm.”

Well done for not messing up, maybe tomorrow will be great for you. I said sarcastically to Darcy. Even though I didn’t intend for it to come out sarcastically it still did.

“Whatever Josh, you have proven time and time again that we aren’t friends anymore so why pretend. Sometimes you just have people in your life that you just can’t be friends with and I guess you’re that person that I can’t be friend with.” Darcy coldly said before picking up her bags and walking to join Lauren, Madison, Rylan and Ella outside.

I really wanted to say something to her to stop her from going but it was too late. I couldn’t think of anything that would convince her that she was wrong. Maybe she was right , maybe we just couldn’t be friends.....

Darcy’s POV

“Soo ...what did Josh ask you? Asked Ella as me and the girls and Ella window shopped.

Oh it was nothing, just him being annoying forget about it I have .

“It’s a shame that you two never sorted out your problems”

Well that’s how life is, things don’t go according to plan. I finally accepted that.

I shook my head as I thought about the past.

I will always regret being the one who told him how I felt; maybe if I didn’t then things would be different. Trust me if I could I would defiantly go back and never say a word to him because all of this was my fault, I asked for this.

“No, no don’t do this to yourself, not self pitying. You never asked for this you where just a girl who fell for her best friend.”  Lauren said as she stopped me in my thoughts.

“No one knows how to control these emotions, its screwed up. It’s in our teenage DNA to screw up over and over again.  Don’t blame yourself you did nothing wrong, he was the one who cheated and lied not you!”

Darc, you’re my best friend and I love you and I would never sit down and let some guy hurt you even if he did or still does care about you. He’s just not worth it, if he can’t be mature and talk to you then that’s his loss. Lauren said as she assured herself that she was right.

At times I saw Lauren as more of my mother than my friend; she was always there for me. She would always make sure that no matter what the problem was she would always be there for me. She really was the brave one out of the three of us.

“Please don’t go back to self pitying, you were doing so well getting over Josh.” Madison said sympathetically. “We are going shopping and having some real fun, no more boy talk. She finally said as she firmly linked my arm to her arm and pulled me into the nearest shop.

It wasn’t even 10 minutes into the shopping when I got a text message from someone....


Message from.....

Hey I’ll be free later; I won’t be doing anything with the lads so we should meet up. That’s if you want to? :D xxx

I had to really hold in my excitement from the girls and when I thought they weren’t looking immediately I replied.

Of course, yeah what time?

Message from.....

Meet me at the lobby around 7pm xxx

For once I was going to brave and  say how I wanted to be with him, I wasn't going to let my past affect me . He was  someone who  was a good  person, his heart was like a gem he was precious.  I knew he couldn't or wouldn't hurt me.

So now I had my own plans for tonight but how would I manage to meet him without the girls getting suspicious of who I was seeing?

A/N: Let me know what you think of this chapter, feedback is always appreciated. The next chapter will be uploaded tomorrow.

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