Ex boyfriends best mate

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Chapter 29

Darcy’s POV

I know I know what was I thinking liking my ex boyfriends best mate. I should know that it would never work and just cause issues between them. Like I have said before the whole dating people is new to me.

 I had had enough of always thinking about others especially Josh, I liked George and I guess he liked me back too. Josh is my ex boyfriend so there is a reason for having an x in ex boyfriend , he is no longer  part of my life which meant he didn’t have the right to say who I could date.

 This was the only way that I could justify my reasons for going behind his back and seeing George. The difference between dating me dating  Josh was that it was more of a physical attraction, yes I loved him but I was more into his looks than his personality where as with George is the  complete opposite. George had a great personality and he was sweet.

The more we where around each other   the more our feelings grew and we just ended up being around each other more. Right after mine and Josh breakup, George was like superman and came to my rescue. He called me almost every day to check up on me, he would plan to meet up with me and just simply made me laugh. He would just do stuff that friends would do, at the time I just saw him as my new Josh replacement, I did everything that I used to do with Josh that I know did with George minus the Kissing and flirting.

We didn’t intend to sneak around; I guess it became a habit. We knew in the end that we couldn’t tell Josh after all we didn’t know how he would react. Most times the boy would act as if everything was fine and then later he’s blowing up .So we both knew we couldn’t say anything to him yet. The worst part of all of this, I should have felt that I could tell my best friends but deep down I knew they would think that George was only my rebound and he wasn’t. I couldn’t have them react negatively.

For once I just wanted no drama, no labels and no attachment and that’s what I got from George. I just hoped that in the end Josh wouldn’t see this as a big deal.......


In the evening

Today was the first night of the x factor tour and as expected everyone was nervous. The audience went crazy each time anyone went out. I had the normal gitters but it quickly went away as soon as I and the girls stepped on the stage. It was crazy to think that we where her performing in front of so many people. To think this could be my life I was really up for the challenge.

It was our last performance and during rehearsals Matt decided to make me and Josh stand next to another .Talk about awkward. The only thing that I thought about was as long as our faces didn’t show how awkward we felt then we were doing a good job. I had to admit during the performances when we did get the chance to quickly see the others Josh never said a single mean or sarcastic message to me. I was assuming he was too focused with the performances that he didn’t have time to put me down.

There were times during the performances that I tried to sneakily glance back at George, just seeing his face would make me smile. We both agreed that it was still too soon to say anything to anyone about us. It probably had something to do with that we didn’t know what we were.

A/N: Sorry that it’s so crap, I’ve had load of assignments to do and I just really didn’t have the time to update. Once again thank you to everyone who has been reading or liking the fan fic. It’s really a big motivation for me to carry on writing. Hopefully in the next few days I should be able to update.

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