Who says I want you back

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Play the song attached with the story-(Demi Lovato- Heart attack)

Chapter 32

Darcy POV

I wanted the last 24 hours to be erased starting from when I said “I love you Josh” to George. I must have been so engaged in my own problems that I wasn’t even aware that Lauren and Madison stood in front of me talking.

“So let me get this straight you went from Jarcy to Garcy? “Exclaimed Lauren

Seriously you created names.

“Duh they are ship names, get with it Darcy.” Lauren judged as if I should know that I had a ship name.

“So who is it going to be?”

Seriously Lauren not now, I can’t deal with your jokes.

“But seriously Darcy what were you thinking writing a song about your ex?” Stated Madison as she sat next to me.

“Forget song writing, I want to know why didn’t you tell us about you and George?” Asked Lauren this time, from her expression I knew she was not impressed.

I don’t know ... at first I just wanted it to be mine and Georges little secret and besides it was nothing serious.

“But now”?

I think I love him ....

“You think or are you just trying to love him to get over you know who?”

No! Why would you say that? I love George I’m sure of it, Josh means nothing to me.

As much as we love George and we do, something doesn’t feel right.

What do you mean, doesn’t feel right? You guys are meant to be on my side.

“We are, we have always been on your side but we have been down this road before”.

“You can’t just get out of one serious relationship and go into another so quickly. Plus have you realised they are best friends.”

Of course I know that, that’s why we kept it a secret. We didn’t want to hurt Josh; you know what he’s like at times. But I guess now he already knows everything, George was too drunk tonight I wouldn’t be surprised if he managed to tell Josh.

And what if he did? Would it change anything? Lauren asked curiously.

Of course not.... “Yeah because you love George” Lauren said with a slight imitation of my voice.

I don’t how many times do I have to tell you, I do love George.-

Just then we were interrupted with the loud banging coming from the door.

 “What the hell do you want? Madison rudely asked.

Is Darcy in, I really need to talk to her, its important.

“Are you serious, so now you want to talk to her” Lauren rudely barged in.

I either had two choices, one to listen to what Josh had to say or two let Josh feel the wrath of hurricane Lauren. Obviously you know which one I went for.

Its fine guys let him in, I quietly said as I sat on my bed awaiting Josh to follow.

Now that we were finally alone I was ready to hear what he had to say.

“Do you still love me?” Josh questioned.

Strangely it took me a while to think about Josh’s unexpected question, I knew I had to say no but something was holding me back.

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