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Play song that is attached (Justin Bieber –Fall)

Chapter 34

Darcy’s POV

Later on ...

Arhhh, they’re both texting and calling me; I can’t take this. I said I attempted to slam my phone on the floor, only to realise that I couldn’t even do that right.

Even though I decided to be with George , I knew things would still be awkward between Josh and me, it was as if things between us had never really been resolved. This feeling on grew more and more.

“Seriously Darc did you really think you could avoid them?”...

“Actually don’t answer that, you need to talk to them.” Madison demanded as she physically dragged me out of my bed.

It was times like this when I really just wanted to be in a supernatural movie and have magical powers at least then I wouldn’t be here right now.

What can I say to them?

“How about telling Josh that you are with George for good so he really needs to fucking back off!” Lauren demanded

“Look Darcy, you can’t string both of them along, as much as we dislike what Josh did to you it’s still your choice at the end of the day.”

At least tell us, Is George the one that you really want to be with?

That’s the problem Lo, I don’t know. I’ve thought about this for days and each time I think I’ve made a final answer something always pulls me back.

There were times when I felt my life was some twisted love story that evidently didn’t have a good happy ending to it.


Before I and everyone else got told about the tour, my mum, sister and I planned to go to America as a small vacation since we rarely ever went anywhere especially abroad as a family. At least I knew if I did go I could properly clear my head. Thank god that tonight was our last performance to wrap up the X Factor tour. I was actually sad that it was over, we all had so much fun performing for big crowds, and it was something that was so new to all of us. It really was something that I would never forget.

Before I would leave for America, I made a last minute appointment with my Doctor as I was still having extreme stomach cramps. I just hopped it was nothing serious.

I was now with George in the canteen finding something to eat just before our final performance.

“You alright babe”. George asked as he gently placed his hand on my thigh.

I never told you before but I’m going to America next week with my family.

Just Say Yes (Josh Cuthbert /Union J Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now