I Was Just Afraid....Now Its Offical

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Chapter 15

(Play the song attached whilst reading)

Josh POV

My head was spinning; did Darcy just kiss me and then run off? What was this, confuse Josh Cuthbert day? I thought we had finally resolved everything and now it felt like we where back to square one. As I walked on my own back home, I knew I had to put a stop to this drama and finally get to the bottom of me and Darcy. I wanted to get it over and done with even if it meant her telling me the truth; I guess that was the only part that I was dreading ... the truth.

Maybe the boys where right, Darcy did have a thing for me but all this time she never said. Even if she did which I was now starting to believe, why she couldn't just be honest and tell me!? I was so frustrated with everything that was happening; all I wanted was the girl that I had met at auditions and not this new girl who has constant personality swaps. It was times like this that I appreciated being a bloke.

After last time of me trying to ask her if she felt something for me she flipped on me, I knew I had to go a different way about asking her but I just didn't know how.


I hesitantly stood outside Darcy and the girl's room, my hand was shaking and my knees where trembling. Finally I plucked up the courage and knocked on her door, there wasn't a response. I knew that she was in there so I opened the door anyway and let myself in. Darcy we need to talk, I demanded as I sat at the edge of the bed. No response I could see where this was going, she was giving me the silent treatment.

You can't ignore me forever, this happened. What do I have to do to make you talk to me; do I have to twerk to make you smile? I asked as I stood up to dance.  Normally I would either do my weird modelling poses or wiggle my eyebrows, I expected her to laugh like she usually would when I got goofy but instead she burst out crying her hands covering her face.

"I didn't know what to say you, I'm a mess" She finally said as she whimpered.  You don't have to answer if you don't want to but.... I need to know why you kissed me?

"I wanted to ignore you....I wanted this feeling to go away. But it didn't and I realised I was just afraid.... afraid to love you.  I wanted to unlove you but I couldn't, so now you know, I love you Josh!"

So .... you do like me ? I asked confused. "Yeah I do and it's hard because we're friends and I shouldn't feel the way that I do for you".

I thought I knew how to respond to it but I couldn't. Oh! Was all that I managed to get out; I was still confused I didn't know how to react.

"Its fine. You don't have to say anything."

I really want to say something, I really do but I don't know what to say. I came closer to her to try to comfort her but I couldn't'.

"It was much easier just being friends and then  during Rylan birthday party when you where drunk, you told me you loved me. I guess all of it got confusing and it built up feelings that I never had before ...until now."

You're my best mate, you will always be my best mate and nothing will change that.

"I know, I know also that you don't feel the same way. I just wanted you to know how I felt" said Darcy as she got up from the bed. I couldn't let her walk off; I grabbed onto her wrist and stood up.

Don't say that, maybe I do but I just don't know. How can we know if we have true feelings for each other if we spent too much time flirting? In that moment i didn't hesitate, without thinking twice I pulled her in for a kiss. But  immediately afterwards Darcy  pulled away and shook her head disbelief.

"You don't have to do that if you don't feel anything."I might not be in love but there has always been something, I just know it."The kiss was just our normal friendly kiss, it doesn't change anything".

Well how about this? I pulled her in once again, our warm lips colliding as I wrapped my arms around her. My tongue brushed her bottom lip and she instantly let me. Everything about this kiss was different to the one's we shared before.  I could kiss her  all day if I wanted to. 

This time I was the one who pulled away but as soon as I did I went back for more. " I'm willing to make a go of things if you are."

"I want you Darc .Yeah this might be risky but I'm willing to be with you". I leaned in some more and kissed her on the lips. She pulled away from me and looked at me. "Ok Josh," smiled Darcy. I always loved seeing her smile.

We both couldn't help but smile. We were actually going  try this; we were going to be together.

Now that we made it official , I was determined to make it work.

A/N: Hope you guys liked this chapter.  I love Boyce Avenue's version of just the way you are , I knew I had to use for this chapter.This has to be one of my favourite chapters. Let me know what you thought . Do you like "Jarcy" finally being a thing ? Feedback is always appreciated

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