If Someone Told Me

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Chapter 24

 (Play Song attached to story ) Song: James Arthur - Impossible

Darcy’s POV

As all the contestants gathered together to what would be our last group performance, it was defiantly fun and emotional at the same time. For our final song we chose our week 2 song which was a mash-up of Rumour has/someone like you.

As for our winner’s song we performed Thousand Years by Christina Perri. James performed Impossible by Shontelle for his winner song, listening backstage we realised he had a greater chance of winning, his voice was electric there was no doubt that he was amazing.

As we stood opposite James, a gut feeling told me that this was it for the girls and I, James was the winner he deserved it.

“The winner is...... James “Called out Dermot.

As James and Nicole cheered and jumped for joy we couldn’t help but be proud of him and happy. We immediately hugged him and whispered some sort of encouragement him. 2nd we came second; James was properly the only person that we agreed that we could accept him being the winner and not feel disappointed that we didn’t win. In a way a weight had been lifted from all of us, the show was over.

As James performed again, the other contestants came out to congratulate him and get this Jahmene managed to pick up James. We all never realised his strength! This really was an amazing day everything felt perfect. I guess the adrenaline rush helped me to forget that Josh was here and whether I liked it or not I had to talk to him. I needed to know that I still cared about him and nothing had changed but .... I wanted to be his friend more than anything.

“Hey, I thought we were at a party questioned Lauren as she took hold of my hand”

Yeah of course, I just need to.... find someone.

“Someone, you mean Josh “? Madison asked as she broke away from Jahmene and Ryaln.

Yeah don’t worry I won’t get upset, I just need to talk to him. I promise that’s all that I’m going to say.

“Well how can we say no, just don’t let him upset you again”.

I promise as soon as I’m done I will meet you outside.

I loved that the girls were so protective of me, maybe too protective but for once I really wanted to stand on my own two feet and act like an adult and face my fears.

Already in my head, I had prepared what I was going to say. Of course I knew that there was no way that the conversion would come out how I expected it .My knees where trembling , something kept telling me that I should just turn back and never talk to Josh. I had to put that thought out of the way because let’s face it that would be the easy way out for me, accept that Josh was out of my life for good.

As I made my way to the actual stage, I could hear a particular voice that I instantly knew was Josh. But I just couldn’t make out the other person’s voice.

“Just promise me that I’m the only one” said the other voice and Josh immediately responded with a kiss. Just as I was about to take my first option and walk away from Josh , of course I managed to trip of some wire and that defiantly caused them to pull away from another and head towards the unexpected noise.

“Darcy! What are you doing here?”

I erm.... I was. I needed to talk to you about something but, obviously you have something else to deal with.

“I didn’t want you to see this-“Josh said as a stutter escaped his mouth.  

“What did you want to say to me?”

I was in the perfect scenario where I had two options. I could one tell him the truth, or two make up a good lie hopping that he would believe me. Try and guess which one I picked?

Oh I just wanted to say, have a good Christmas with.... Nicole. Yep that’s right, I lied and a terrible one as well.

Immediately his face changed and he turned to stare and Nicole, who was twirling her hair around waiting on Josh.

“Yeah you too Darc, I guess I’ll be seeing you at the tour then?”

We pulled in to hug but then something clicked and pulled away from each other and that was that, that was how I said goodbye to Josh.

 Was it impossible that things would be different if I made different choices in my life? Note to self always stick with your cut choices, being honest never gets you anywhere I should know , I told my best friend I loved him and look at where I am now. I don’t have a boyfriend, and from where I’m standing I don’t think I have my best friend either.

 I just wanted 2012 to end quickly, If only someone told me years ago that I should take caution when it comes to love then maybe my bad luck would change.  

A/N: Let me know what you think of this chapter. I really didn’t like this chapter. Hope you guys like it anyway.

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