People Change

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Chapter 26

Darcy POV

After what felt like the longest journey, we finally arrived at our Manchester hotel .It would be our home for the next few days until we left for Liverpool. I replied back to my text message, there was no way for me to hide my happiness I loved talking to him, and he always cheered me up and made me feel better. I had to be honest I never understood why I never spoke to him earlier; he was so sweet, and funny.  I had butterflies talking to him, I just couldn’t stop smiling. I knew if I didn’t cut it out now, the girls would sense that my mood had changed and they would be eager to find out why or who had changed it.

We would be staying in Manchester for 3 days, two for rehearsals and then the actual performance. Balancing my commitment to the tour and my new possible relationship, I just hoped that I could focus and not let anything get in the way.


“Hey gurl, Ella and I want to go and have dinner tonight are you and Madison up for it” asked Lauren as she twirled her hair around her fingers.

Just as I was about to say yes, Lauren practically dragged out of the room into the corridor. “Before we do go, I need to make sure that it’s ok if we go as a group. You know Josh included?”

Of course it is why  wouldn’t be? I’m over Josh and he’s moved on.

“As long as you’re sure; maybe it’s time to finally talk to him. I’m sure he misses you just as much as you miss talking to him.”

Am I really that obvious? I quickly questioned. I knew deep down I did miss him more than I projected but I needed to make people believe that I was over him even if I was completely unsure myself.

Yeah of course I’ll talk to him, when the time is right. I said as I rolled my eyes and continued walking with Lauren.


As the whole gang  where in Manchester; we  searched around for a  decent restaurant. I couldn’t help but notice at how Josh was so clued on to his phone at no time he wouldn’t even lift his head up to talk to anyone.

When we finally found an Italian restaurant to have dinner I knew there would be some awkwardness but I never imagined how bad it would be.

As this will probably be our only night to relax, let’s enjoy the most of it, to the tour “. Toasted Rylan and every raised their glasses in unison.

Ten minutes being at the restaurant I was already annoyed, thanks to Josh. I mean it’s one thing to not talk to me the whole coach journey; but  to top it off he didn’t even bother talking to me at the table. I’d had enough I had to say something to calm down.

Isn’t it about time you stopped going on your phone so much, it’s rude!

“Why do you care, eh, Darcy it none of your business”? Snapped Josh as he glared at him and went back to his phone.

“Alright no need to take it out on Darc, we’re all friends, remember?”  George questioned as he shook his head in annoyance.

“Erm-m I need to go....” Immediately Josh pushed his chair away from the table and walked out of the restaurant.

Everyone turned to face me and one by one they asked me if I was ok. What was I supposed to say them, of course I wasn’t ok Josh practically snapped at me in front of everyone and stormed of like a spoilt child.

I just nodded and sipped on my coke.

He would have never snapped at me, if I was annoyed with him he would try to calm me down or make me laugh. He would have never have acted the way he did tonight. Something was bothering him, I could feel it I just didn’t know how to handle it. He wasn’t the boy that I remembered; I wanted the old Josh back.


Josh POV

Tonight I really lost my cool; Darcy was really pissing me off though. I had to leave before I said something that I regretted. I could tell that the lads where annoyed about what I did but they had to understand why I did what I did.

“What was up with you tonight, since we got here your mood has changed” questioned Jaymi as he started to undress for bed.

I can’t make Darcy think that we are still together because we aren’t.

“So that’s why you acted like a dick to her? Just because you aren’t dating doesn’t mean you have to be a  prick towards her. She was right you where being rude, she was only saying what probably we all thought. You guys where once friends, what’s changed? Jaymi questioned as he tapped me and snuggled up in his bed.

Jaymi really did leave me questioning myself. Why was I being like this, why was it that the thought of being around her only made me angry?

A/N: Hope this chapter got you guys thinking lol.  Let me know what you think is wrong with Josh and who do you think Darcy is texting? Feed back is always appreciated.

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