Dealing With The Hate

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Chapter 17

(Play song attached )

Josh POV

It was finally Saturday; we never really knew where the time went it was already week 5. I and the boys wanted to dedicate a song to our fans, they really where amazing. Beneath your beautiful by Labrinth ft Emeli Sande was the song that we chose, at first we struggled to decide who would sing what, but once we sorted it , it sounded amazing. We just really wanted the fans to vote for us so that we wouldn't be in the bottom two again.

The judges loved our performance, it was the first time that all the judges loved our performance. Darcy and the girls too said it was their favourite performance that we did.

I pulled Darcy away from the other contestants and we had a private conversation. "You really know when best to talk to me, don't ya" giggled Darcy.  "The song was for you, the whole time I was thinking about you when I was singing." All of a sudden she went shy and kissed my cheeck. After a view minutes of isolating our self from everyone, we went back and we all hoped we did our best to get through for next week.


As promised I and the boys did a twit cam for the fans. "Okay guys.... as promised we are in our monkey onesies  for our special twitcam for all you Jcats, pointed George as we stood in a line in front of the screen.

Knock, Knock!!!

 We all heard a knock coming from George and Jaymi's room. "We best go and see who is disrupting us teased Jaymi."  "Its 3LW called out JJ" as the girls walked into the room; surprisingly they too were in their onsies.

 "Sorry we forgot you guys where on twitcam!" Lauren laughed.

"You should have come in matching onsies", suggested JJ

"Well we are sorry we didn't get it perfect", what can I say there is always next time, Madison said as she took a bottle of water.

"The girls decided to crash our twitter, I guess you want them on as well" Josh asked to the fans as if we would get a immediate response.

The girl's layed in-between us, of course Darcy came and laid next to me. I couldn't stop starring at her; I wanted so badly to tell everyone that we were a couple. I knew it would be risky but I was willing to do it anyway.

Alright Jcats, I have an announcement to make I said as I moved closer to the laptop. The boys all looked at me weirdly and they couldn't get what I was about to say. Me and Darcy are official , she's my girlfriend and I wanted you guys to be the first to know , not the press or the media , you guys! I felt so relieved finally saying it.

Of course this made everyone start cooing and nudging both I and Darcy and this got Darcy nervous that she was  embarrassed to show her face.

"Aww how cute, I better read what you guys have said!"

@Gosh_23: they look so cute together xx

 @UnionJlover: I totally ship Jarcy, favourite x factor couple x

@Sexymrs_Shelley: Darcy is one lucky girl..... George read out all the lovely tweets that where about me and Darcy. I was actually surprised how people responded so positively to me and Darcy dating. You read about it all the time about those crazy fans who get possessive, we really did have the best fans.

One of the fans dared us to kiss so I did, I pulled Darcy in for kiss, at first she pulled away unsure of kissing in front of everyone but she soon gave in.  The kiss lasted longer than expected; as we pulled away we had the stairs of the boys and the girls looking at us.

"Sorry guys, Josh forgot it's meant to be PG "yelled George in a Geordie accent.

Everyone was laughing their heads off; I don't know what we would do without the sarcasm of George.

The twitcam lasted 30 minutes and we did our usual goodbyes to the fans. The girls didn't stay too long afterwards and decided they best go to bed.

Darcy POV

The twitcam with the guys really was fun, I and the girls never realised how communicating with the fans was fun. The kiss with Josh felt so awkward for me, to think thousands of people where watching us on a computer screen felt bizarre to me. What was Josh thinking about telling them; sometimes that boy's heart was so big.

I decided it wouldn't hurt to check my joining twitter account with the girls. After the twitcam I was eager to read all the lovely comments that fans had left. Some followed by saying "Oh you look so cute together", "You're so lucky" until I came across comments that shocked me.

@Mrs_CutbertShelley: You don't deserve Josh, you're a bitch he must really pitty you xx

@Jodie_Shelley: You are talentless, you shouldn't even be in the competition  x

@UnionJ: What does he see in an ugly  black girl like you?

The list went on; I never expected to read such messages. It never occurred to me that people would be so disgusted of me being of different colour to Josh. I thought now that the world was past the racism and obviously we weren't. I had always been proud of being mixed race and never once let my colour of skin affect me. I tried not to let it bother me, but Lauren and Madison refused to ignore it.

"How can you just sit there and not want to retaliate? "Questioned a furious Madison

Maddi let it go, I don't want to talk about it, I pleaded.

"They can't get away with it, its ignorance and racism "mentioned Lauren.

Guys where are you going I asked as the girl made their way to the door.

"We're going to sort it out," they replied in unison.

Now I really wished I didn't tell them, I knew with both of them full of anger anything could happen.

Josh POV

I was in the bathroom brushing my teeth, when I heard Madison's and Lauren's voices echo. From what I had gathered, it was about Darcy.I didn't want them to know that I could hear them so I stood behind the door and listened to them talking to the boys.

I was furious; I heard everything that the girls mentioned. How could my fans talk to Darcy like that? I was pissed!

Why didn't d Darcy say anything I finally asked as I swung the door open? I angrily said I stormed off to walk to the girl's room.

Darcy we need to talk I said irritated. As I sat beside her I realised then that she had been crying and she was starring at her computer screen.

How can they treat you like that I said to her as I pointed to some comments that annoyed me.

"Josh don't get mad, they're your fans. They are protective" said Darcy as she got hold of a tissue.

I don't need protecting from you, they have no damn right to talk to you the way they did. At that moment I just wanted to say my piece of mind and grabbed hold of Darcy laptop and onto my twitter account.

@ UnionJworld: To the haters, can't believe people are rude to send @3LWgirls Darcy hate! It's disgusting some of the messages that people have left and I am beyond angry.   Really guys think before you speak, your words and comments hurt people. To my true fans who haven't sent hate, I love you guys and your unconditional support you mean the world to me!! Love you Jcats joshy xxx

I knew this was the first time Darcy ever saw me so pissed off, I just hope she didn't think I was a jerk for what I did all I wanted to do was to stick up for her.The fans don't know how me and Darcy are to judge her , she's beautiful and kind she's special nothing like I had met in a girl about. It only just occurred to me, that maybe I did have deeper feelings for Darcy and maybe I was in love....

A/N: Hope everyone liked this chapter and I hope no one got offended. This song defiantly represent's Darcy and Josh's relationship and the hate she is getting. The chapter should be uploaded by Thursday. Feedback is always appreciated!!!

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