Chapter Three

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Izuku P.O.V.

"I love you Izuku, promise me you'll be safe." My mom was hugging me as I was leaving. "Yes mom, of course." It was almost sickening how fake she was being. We got in the car and started driving to UA. "So, how long is the ride to UA Erasure Head?" It was just Erasure and I in the car, All Might decide to run to UA instead.

"first off call me Aizawa, second off around fifteen minutes." Then complete silence. "He isn't very good at conversation is he?" "So, how long did it take for you to come up with the story you told my mom?" He sighed "Around fifteen minutes." I leaned forward a bit "What?" "Yeah I just made it up on the way there."

Then silence again. I just sighed and leaned back looking at the window. Until I looked up and saw him staring through the rear-view mirror. "What?" He immediately looked back at the road. I thought he was just going to ignore me, until he sighed. "I see what All Might see. He wasn't kidding when he said that all I needed to do is meet you."

To say I was surprised would be an understatement. "Erasure head wasn't practically known to take a likening to people." "However," I was pulled out of my thoughts "I do not believe you should get his quirk." My heart sank "W-Why not?" He sighed

"I don't know you well, but I can see you are a shining light." He stopped and closed his eyes briefly. "And there aren't many of those left." We pulled into the parking lot. "And we could dimmish that light but sending you out to the front lines" I was confused "I barely know you; how can you say that about me already?"

"It's your vibe kid" I looked at him wide eyed. He snickered "You were mumbling" I started blushing "S-sorry." He only snickered more "it's alright kid, don't worry about it. I would think I was being weird too." We sat there in silence for a moment. "Anyways we should probably go in kid."

We walked into the teacher's meeting room. Nezu was sitting at the end, and All Might was next to him in his weaker form. Shota sat to the other side of Nezu and I sat next to All Might. Nezu than got up on the table and started walking towards me.

"So, you're the child All Might is choosing to be his next successor." He held out his paw, which I toke and soke. "it's a pleasure to meet you." I smiled at him "I-it's a pleasure sir." He giggled a bit "There is no need to be nervous." I just nodded at him.

"Well, we were starting a dorm system this year anyway, so you will be staying with a few third years, who will be protecting you." "Um excuse me sir?" He laughed at me "Please drop the sir and call me Nezu." I nodded at him "Well Nezu, don't the third-year students also have their own training to do? And how will this protection service affect my day-to-day life?"

He smiled widely "An eager one I see. I was just getting to that, if you would give me a moment." I blushed "S-sorry." "that's quite alright. But these three students are the big three, and will be training at the same time you do. If this league is a real up and coming threat, then we need the pros doing their job. But don't worry, these three are just as capable." I just nodded at him. "And for as how they will be affecting your day-to-day life, they will just be sleeping in the rooms next to you. And they will walk you to your training and back. If you go out, they will go with you."

"B-but wouldn't that inconvenience them?" Nezu just chuckled "Don't worry they're being payed for this kid." It was Aizawa that spoke up this time. "In fact, they want to take you out to a café nearby to get to know you better. We have some business to take care of. Once we are done, we will call and they will bring you back." As soon as Aizawa was done speaking, three people came through the door. A tall kid with yellow hair and a bright smile came in, with a kid hiding behind him with purple hair. Then a girl with blue hair who was none stop talking the entire time.

"Not exactly what I was expecting." Aizawa snickered "You probably should break that muttering habit. I smacked my face and I could feel it go red. "S-Sorry!" The yellow haired boy just laughed at me "Its fine! I wouldn't be expecting us either." "Maybe you should introduce yourselves?" Aizawa was waving his hand for them to come in.

"Yeah of course. I'm Mirio, this is Tamaki, and this is Nejire." Mirio smiled and gave me a thumbs up. "I-I'm Izuku." "Nice to meet cha, common let's go get something to eat."

A few minutes later we were at the café. I was sitting next to Nejire and across from Mirio who had his arm around Tamaki. "So those two are probably together." "Is that a problem?" My face grew a bright shade of red "NO! No. That is not what I meant. It's just that if I'm going to be around you all the time I figure that I shoul-" "Izuku its fine I was just teasing." Mirio cut off my stammering.

"O-Ok" I looked away still blushing. Then our waitress came over "What can I get you all?" The others ordered, Tamajiki needed some help from Mirio. "And you?" It was my turn to order; my face grew bright red. "O-oh nothing." "Izuku you have to get something!" Nejire was shaking me. "I don't have any money. It's fine I'm not hungry anyway." Mirio smiled before telling the waitress that I would have a chocolate milk shake. I was about to protest until Mirio insisted and that he was planning on paying anyways.

"All right Nejire go ahead and ask your questions." It was like a time bomb exploded next to me. Asking one question and moving on to the next before I could answer. "N-Nejire i-it might h-help if you l-let him t-talk." Tamajiki interrupted her explosion of questions. "Right! Sorry." She smiled at me.

"I-Its fine" Mirio looked at me "How about you just tell you a little about yourself?" I hesitated for a second "Well my full name is Izuku Midoriya, I live with my mom, and until recently I thought I was quirkless." Mirio put his finger on his chin "Yeah, what was it like being quirkless?" I froze "you don't have to answer if you don't want to" I could hear the guilt in his voice "It just wasn't practically easy, but that's over isn't it?"

Ourfood came after a few minutes. "I wonder how long those two has been dating""For almost a year now." I started to blush. But, Mirio started laughing atme. "You should probably break that habit." I just nodded at him, then we gotthe call to go back to UA. "T-thank you." Mirio smiled "of course." 

A/N: Is this my second post of today? Yes. Am I bored with nothing to do? Yes. Should I be admitting this? Probably not.  But here you go anyways.

And as always have a good day :)

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