Chapter Six

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Izuku P.O.V.

"What if I have to kill someone?"

I could feel the world collapse as that thought settled in. "No" I toke deep breaths, trying to calm myself down. "He said I wouldn't have to be a criminal, besides" I started to get up and unpack the few boxes that I brought with me, since I decided to get rid of my All Might stuff.

"there is no point on dwelling on it." I finished putting everything away, before laying on my bed. "But what if that situation happens? Could I do it? Should I do it?" I sighed before turning to my side. "No, if it came down to it." I felt the tears start to go down my face. "I would simply let them kill me."

The next morning

I didn't end up sleeping well. The thoughts of last night still fresh in my mind. "Izuku are you ok?" Mirio put his hand on my shoulder. I looked up and smiled at him "Y-yeah, I just didn't sleep well last night. I'm just excited to get started with my training today." Mirio started laughing "The first step for training is getting a good night sleep!" I stumbled forward as he slapped my back.

"I-it's alright I-Izuku. I-I still g-get nervous a-about training." Tamaki was burying his face into Mirio's side, so it was hard to understand him. "Thanks Tamaki." Mirio, Tamaki, Nejire and I chatted as we headed to the main gates where we were told to meet up with Erasure, All Might, and Nezu.

"Hello future heroes." Aizawa visibly cringed at All Might. "Hey, All Might! What are we doing today?" Mirio practically had stars in their eyes. "They are basically the same person." I couldn't help but snicker. "What are you laughing at kid?" I blushed "I couldn't help but notice that they are basically the same person" Aizawa sighed "Trust me when I say you won't be laughing after a few days with them." "Now Shota don't be like that." All Might was giving him his usually smile and thumbs up, which Shota just ignored. "Anyways, Mirio you will be in charge of training you and the rest of the big three for the next week, as we figure out Izuku's training."

"Izuku, I thought you said that you talked about this yesterday?" I gulped "W-Well we d-did, b-but w-we a-also th-thought it b-best to s-see what I-I c-can do b-before a-anything is s-set in s-stone." Nejire tilted her head to the side "Oh, alright then" "Common Nejire lets go get started." Mirio started sprinting towards the weight room. Followed by Nejire and Tamaki.

"you're a terrible liar kid." I started to blush "I was caught off guard!" "Is that what you're going to tell the villains when you have to lie to them?" It was clear that Aizawa was teasing, but I started to panic. "I don't know. What if that happens? Will they kill me if they think I'm lying?" "Kid! No need to panic I was just joking. I'm sure you will be just fine, but you will also will be having a crash course with Nezu this week about all kinds of that stuff."

"Speaking of which, can I please get started with the plans for today?" Nezu sounded impatient. Shota did not seem pleased with his tone, but just nodded at him. "As Shota said, you will be having a crash course with me this week about basic skill you need to be an agent. Such as, how to lie, quick decision making, and situational analysis." I nodded at him as All Might spoke up. "Typically, we would do basic body building and toning before I give you my quirk, but we will not have time for that so I will have to push you to your physical limit during this week. I will also be giving All for One today, and will show you have to activate it. To see the damage that can be done by it."

"W-what do you mean by d-damage." All Might take a deep breath. "Since you have not had proper physical training for All for One, it can have physical back lash. Such as broken bones." I felt fear rise in me. "Don't worry kid, recovery girl will be here so all damage will be healed." I sighed with relief.

Shota put his hands on my shoulder "With me you will be learning basic combat, and eventually combat with weapons." "W-Why would I need weapons? Isn't One for All good enough?" Aizawa sighed "I don't think you realize how long it will take for you to learn how to use One for All kid. You have no training at all, it will be a while before you can use the quirk on its own. So, until then you will have to rely on weapons."

"T-then what is the point of giving your quirk now?" "Because it will be used in emergency situations. If you need to get out quickly, then use All for One." I just nodded. "Any other questions?" Nezu was clearly getting impatient. "N-no" "Good let's begin then."

A/N: Sorry for the shorter chapter, but some last-minute plans came up, so I couldn't write as much as I wanted to. And the overall quality isn't the best, but I wanted to get something out today. Besides the whole point of this chapter was to tell you what Izuku would be doing this week. But, the next chapter will be a time skip to the last day of training, because I want to get this story moving. I also forgot to mention that I usually won't post on Sundays, with family coming over and such. But anyways please feel free to leave feedback, and

Have a good day :)

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